
Raz takes on an entire army of psychic goons and fears of the mind in another episode of Basic Braining. The villains from the first game are back and are stronger than ever. Ahead of Psychonauts 2 release, we take a look at all the new enemies that players will face.

Psychonauts 2: The enemies of a common mind

As in line with Psychonauts 1, the enemies in the new game will be based on mental metaphors and psychologic terms. Double Fine walks us through the new set of villains that Raz will fight to extract information from the mind of Dr. Caligosto Loboto.


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Surprisingly, there are a few returnees, including Censors. The bespectacled carrot-headed little menace back to attack thoughts that don’t belong and they brought backup. The game will see the addition of small and larger (Heavy) censors based on the level players are at.

The most recent addition is Regrets. They are pretty similar to houseflies, but they carry weights to “weigh you down” with them. The weights are also intended to explode. The developers also added one that looks like ‘Muk’ from the Pokemon series called Doubts, a ground-based sticky enemy that is added to slow you down when you try to run away. Fortunately, as Lili Zanotto tells you in the preview, they are flammable, which can cause a chain reaction killing all the enemies.

Along your way in the game, you might end up having bad ideas. But in Psychonauts 2, if you’re Raz and you do have one, you will end up fighting your latest enemy. They might look adorable with the little light bulbs on their heads, but be careful, they can blow Razputin up.

Apart from this, there are support units called Enablers that support bad ideas. They should be your prime target as they buff the other enemies. A little tip by the devs, to use either Pyro on Time Bubbles to slow them down.

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The mini-bosses

The Judge comes to the game straight from the judicial court and has a massive gavel along with Bad Moods. He casts judgement and has massive hit power, while the latter will restrict your vision. The only way to beat them is to take the Judge’s gavel away and find the source for the bad mood.


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The worst and possibly your toughest enemy will come out of nowhere, similar to real life. Panic Attacks are super fast and they teleport. The enemy is designed in a way to capture the essence of a real Panic Attack and the only way to land a blow on them is to put them in a Time Bubble.


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The game releases on August 25, 2021 PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC. Are you willing to help Razputin “Raz” Aquato fight the battles of the mind?

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