It’s been three months since Microsoft launched The Xbox Series S and X in the market. But some features in the console are missing or disabled. Jason Ronald, the director of program management at Xbox, recently revealed that the team is working on those. He mentioned that fans can expect new updates within this year itself.
Ronald made an appearance in the Xbox official podcast yesterday. He did not reveal the exact timeline of the addition of these features. But he teased fans to expect changes in “the coming months and over the coming years.” Ronald tried to keep the details as limited as possible, but he specified that “there is a lot” ongoing in the Xbox Series S and Series X team.
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What changes will the Team bring?
“As a team, we’re just really excited by this initial response from fans all around the world. At launch, we say it all the time internally. This is really just the beginning. We’ve got a lot of really exciting things that are coming down the pipeline over the coming months and over the coming years,” – Ronald on podcast.
After the release of Xbox Series S and Series X, the team behind the consoles took a long break, which they deserved, following months of work. But this gave them a chance to analyze all the complaints the community had. The feedback gave them places to improve upon. The team looked up every detail they could advance and will bring the changes soon.
Ronald revealed that the company “collaborated with key developers from all across the industry.” This will allow fans to try next-gen capabilities that are proposed in the market before other console developers.
Xbox features to be out soon
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“One area that we really focused on was at launch, we had to disable quick resume, on some titles in the launch window,” he explained. “The team’s been working really hard to be able to re-enable those titles so that people are getting that great, quick resume experience on all the titles that people are playing.”
It is safe to assume that the quick resume features will be out soon, since the team has been looking into it specifically. There are a lot of other functions that they are planning to work on or are already working on. Fans complained about controllers disconnecting mid-game, DVR quality and sharing experience. The problems will be fixed soon, promised Ronald.
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Until Xbox release the updates, we can only hope that they are available soon. For now, Xbox is offering many games in the Game Pass. Enjoy them and tell us what updates you would like to see in the consoles.
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