
Nintendo is really making its fans play a waiting game here. Every single day, someone reveals a thing or two about their upcoming console, the Nintendo Switch 2, on the internet. Sometimes it’s about its power, other times about the console’s unusual library of games. And none of these leaks and rumors cease to amaze the bystanders.

While this is happening, Japanese giant Nintendo is not worried about these leaks or their upcoming console in the least. They are going at their own pace, revealing and launching new titles or remakes on the Nintendo Switch. To make matters even more unbearable for their fans, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa has revealed something very shocking.

It looks like the Nintendo Switch will get software support until at least 2025!


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Yes, the Nintendo Switch, a console that was launched back in 2017 and is currently one of the best-selling consoles on the market, would continue to be Nintendo’s focus for at least one more year. This comes straight from Nintendo’s current president, Shuntaro Furukawa.

While talking to Japanese publication Nikkei, he mentioned, “We are still working on software for the Switch for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.”

This statement is sure to come as a shock to every fan who had their hopes up for the next generation of Switch consoles. All the rumors and leaks about the Nintendo Switch 2 being as powerful as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X have really hyped Nintendo fans up. But it looks like they would have to wait significantly longer for the next generation.

It makes sense from Nintendo’s perspective, though. Their current console is not slowing down when it comes to sales. They themselves are not pulling any punches, as a steady flow of high-quality exclusives continues.

Read More: Rumor Suggests Next Game in Blockbuster Monster Hunter Series Would Debut on Nintendo Switch 2

Even some massive third-party ports are coming on the Nintendo Switch; games like Red Dead Redemption and Arkham Trilogy are targeting the current generation of Switch. This means they are still confident about the longevity of Switch’s life cycle, and who can blame them? Its sales refuse to decline.


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What about those massive game leaks, though?

While Nintendo makes some really telling statements about the Nintendo Switch, one wonders about those rumors. Not the ones about Switch 2’s graphical power, but about those games that are supposed to launch on day 1.

Recently, we heard that Far Cry 7 would make its way to Nintendo Switch 2 Day 1. Then Tom Henderson himself revealed that in the coming 12–18 months, we would be seeing a bunch of third-party titles making their way to the Nintendo Switch 2 alongside the PS5 and Xbox versions.


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Is Nintendo expecting these consoles to coexist? We would find it in 2024 when Switch 2 was supposed to be revealed.

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