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via Imago

The Diablo 4 release is just around the corner. This time players will battle the demon queen Lilith in the world of Sanctuary. And defeating this demon queen is no easy task. Players need to select a build combination that best suits their playing style. And Blizzard did not hold back in granting players variety. However, this also makes creating the best build cumbersome.

For instance, the oldest class in the Diablo series, Barbarians, is also turning out to be a tricky one to build. This class has a reputation for having huge health reserves and the capacity to withstand impending harm. And on the attacking front, they can switch between weapons while in combat. To get the best out of this class, players should equip the Barbarians with the best skills, aspects, and gems.


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The best attack pattern of Barbarians in Diablo 4

The melee attacks of the Barbarian class are well known but they make players more susceptible to oncoming damage. Another disadvantage is that they cannot deal with multiple enemies at once, like the Sorcerers or Necromancers. They have immense health reserves which makes them a rather slow-paced but difficult-to-defeat class.

The key to utilizing this class to its best is to increase the capacity of Barbarians’ crowd control. Players can perform rapid sequences of attacks or make Barbarians passively return the damage to the attacking enemies.

The first strategy exposes several weak points for the Barbarians and is rarely employed. If players still wish to perform that approach, they should make a build focused on Berserk.

The second approach is much safer and is more helpful in the long run. The second approach revolves around redirecting attacks of enemies to themselves and generating Fury to finish them off. Players can do this by using two mechanics Thorns and Bleeding. Creating Fury with the second approach can be challenging as it is not refilled on a regular basis, unlike other classes. Players can only increase Fury by dealing damage to foes or performing abilities. Because of that, players must approach each fight focusing on using their Basic Skill, Flay, or the Challenging Shout to lure enemies around them.

After this, focusing attacks through Whirlwind is the best course of action. This skill is the best option to deal with hordes of enemies. Though if Fury runs out, keeping Rupture as a follow-up skill is a good option. These two skills are the best pair as they both supplement each other. Whirlwind applies Bleeding to the enemies, which helps in Rupture, while the latter does not require Fury, so Whirlwind can be used again.

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Using Iron Skin will also help Barbarians heal for the next battle. Another worthy add-on skill to have is Call of the Ancients as it summons three spirits, each helpful in stunning or slowing the enemy down.

Best skills to pick in each node

After learning attack pattern strategies, players should also focus on how to pick each node to maximize their win rate. Although it is mainly up to the player to decide, below are the best picks for the nodes based on the aforementioned attack pattern.

Basic Node

  • Flay: This skill must be equipped as the basic attack to deal Bleeding damage to foes.

Core Node

  • Whirlwind: This skill is helpful in delivering heavy damage to enemies. With this attack, Barbarians move around while they spin their weapon hitting enemies around them. This skill, however, uses up a lot of Fury to use. To supplement this, Endless Fury must be used.
  • Endless Fury: This passive skill helps increase Fury for performing Whirlwind attacks. Although, this skill activates when using two-handed weapons.

Defensive Node

  • Challenging Shout: This is a superior defensive skill to have, as it reduces incoming damage from enemies while taunting them.
  • Imposing Presence: This skill improves Barbarians’ maximum life.
  • Outburst: With this skill, Barbarians not only receive an abundance of Thorns but also some extra based on your Maximum Life.
  • Tough as Nails: This skill also gives players extra thorns. Additionally, it also supplements Bleeding damage.

Brawling Node

  • Booming Voice: The length of the Barbarians’ shout can be enhanced by up to 24% with this passive talent.

Weapon Mastery Node

  • Rupture: A vital pair-up with the Whirlwind skill, this ability increases the damage while Bleeding. When this ability is activated, the Bleeding effect on enemies disappears.

Ultimate Node

  • Call of the Ancients: Helpful in calling the three ancient spirits. This skill slows down or stuns the oncoming enemy attack.
  • Tempered Fury: This skill helps supplement Barbarians’ Maximum Fury.
  • Invigorating Fury: This passive skill heals Barbarians on the basis of their Maximum Life.

Key Passives Node

  • Gushing Wounds: This passive skill increases the Bleeding amount based on Barbarians’ Critical Strike Damage bonus.

Best gems and aspects for a Diablo 4 Barbarian build

As players start winning battles and dungeons using their barbarian builds, additional aspects unlock. Specifically for this build, Needleflare Aspect and Aspect of Ancestral Echoes will be a great fit. Needleflare Aspect increases the area of damage for Thorns. Players can find the Aspect of Ancestral Echoes at the Ancient Reservoir in Hawezar. This aspect increases the chances of summoning the three ancient spirits when players use Whirlwind.


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When it comes to gems for Barbarians in Diablo 4, Emeralds, Rubies, and Skulls are the best options. Emeralds help increase the Thorn value of players. Rubies help increase the life of Barbarians when used in armor. Finally, Skulls have multiple uses. This gem either increases the healing received when added to the armor or regenerates life when killing enemies when equipped with a weapon.


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With all these gems, aspects, and skills, traversing the world of Sanctuary as a Barbarian would be an easy task for Diablo 4 players. The title is ready to be released on June 6 on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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