
Gamers have fallen in love with Riot Games’ first-person shooter Valorant since last year. It shook the entire genre from the ground up as it offered a fun experience and still kept things competitive. The studio managed to find a great balance between gunplay and abilities, while every character carried a unique personality. Moreover, playing a particular character seemed different, which other characters simply cannot replicate.

The roster of amazing cosmetic items only enriched the gaming experience and made it more enjoyable. However, the game’s monetary system is unlike anything the world has ever seen, which has raised certain questions.

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Valorant has a strange cosmetic system that needs to be tweaked

Riot Games has definitely done a fantastic job with the cosmetic system of Valorant. In the modern day’s gaming ecosystem, studios usually added an awful slot machine system that doesn’t normally offer the desired item. Instead, gamers can simply drop their top dollars to buy any skin that they desire at any given point. However, the system is still not perfect, and it has few crucial problems that need to be ironed out.

Riot Games has added a system of two in-game currencies in Valorant points and Radianite Points. Valorant points are needed to buy skins, while Radianite points are used needed to unlock special animations, finishers, and more. The absence of these elements from any skins only makes their appearance lackluster. Radianite points can only be acquired through the in-game shop or through Battle Pass.

The majority of the community prefers to grind the Battle Pass to pick up these points, but it takes a lot of effort. On the other hand, these points are quite expensive to buy, which leaves you in a precarious position. The studio needs to tweak this aspect of the monetary system and allow bundles or skins to be unlocked with the entire kit.

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video source: eggwick


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The studio can even raise the price of these skins by a bit, but the current system just seems weird. If players fail to find the time to grind out through the season, then their investment goes to waste. This can frustrate the community members and it only makes things all the more chaotic.

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