
Nintendo’s hybrid console is really doing very well nowadays. Even the current Nintendo US president, Mr. Bowser, said so; he explained how this hybrid console is still going strong after years of its launch and that he has “stopped counting years”.

The success of this console is no doubt owed to its exclusives, but there are games that get overlooked. This does not even happen intentionally; it just happens when not many people are aware of a game’s launch or they are more focused on a bigger launch coming at the same time.

Here are five such underrated games that everyone should play at least once on their Nintendo Switch.


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Astral Chain

Platinum Games and Nintendo have a great relationship; there’s no doubt about this. The console creator helped Platinum Games realize its vision with Bayonetta 2. Platinum Games and the director of the Bayonetta series Hideki Kamiya are well aware of it.

That’s why they hardly back off from supporting it; Astral Chain is the prime example of the kind of support Nintendo Switch gets from them. A brilliant hack-and-slash game that is just what fans of Platinum games would want to play. Sadly, the game was not much of a success, maybe due to it not being part of an established franchise.


Thumper is an indie game like nothing you have ever seen. It is a very brutal and sometimes even shocking rhythm game that has players controlling a beetle. As it passes through increasingly hard levels, the beetle can be seen defeating really scary-looking monstrosities.

The game got a Nintendo Switch launch, and many don’t even know it’s on this console. Maybe that’s why the game got overlooked; it was released, but no one knew it was.

Steamworld Dig 1 and 2

The Steamworld franchise is a curious case study; the developers of these games just keep on experimenting. And they hardly fail either; these games started with a tower defense title, then went to platforming, then turn-based real-time strategy, and finally a city builder.

Dig and Dig 2 are just a couple of platformers with Metroidvania mixed into them. And both of these games are excellent in every way. Fast movement, intelligent puzzles, worthwhile incentives to push yourself, and much more.

Don’t Starve

If one loves survival games with crafting and prefers a little extra challenge in their roguelikes, this game is what they need. A survival rogue-like with gothic horror themes. Craft, build, explore, solve very elaborate and intelligent puzzles, and if you die, rinse and repeat.

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It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but it deserves to be tried at least once for its sheer style!

Alien Isolation


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This one is not an indie game either; it’s just a game that most fans never realized made its way to the Nintendo Switch. It’s an excellent port for a survival horror game based on every popular Alien universe.

The best part is that this port is reportedly even better than the PlayStation 4 in many instances. Do give it a go!


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This concludes our list of Nintendo Switch games that are somewhat underrated and overlooked. If you ever end up giving one of these games away, we would love to know about your experience.

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