
Nintendo has pretty much broken all bounds with their latest game, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The developer has given gamers such tools that most people might not have even imagined.

With abilities such as Ultrahand and Fuse, players can build numerous combinations of weapons and vehicles. This much variety might be good for some, but it can become a cause for confusion for others. For such gamers, here are the best weapon combinations that would come in really handy.

1. Flame Emitter + Sword


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A sword is a good weapon by itself; it can cut grass, it can cut trees; it can even defeat some enemies on a good day. But there are some enemies that do not get affected by this weapon. For such enemies, it is recommended that you fuse your swords with a flame emitter.

It shows it is worth the moment. Your enemy would start jumping due to the burns this weapon gives them.

2. Mushroom + Sword

There are a number of different types of mushrooms that you can find in this game. A typical gamer would just cook those mushrooms on a skewer, eat them, and call it a day. But for some, things have to be a bit more unorthodox; for such players, a combination of a mushroom and a sword can do wonders.

This would send their enemies flying with just two hits. It’s one of the best guard-breaking weapons in this game.

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3. Rocket + Shield

There are offensive weapons and defensive weapons. Shields are mostly used for defense, but this shield fused with a rocket comes in handy when Link sees no other way out. Feel surrounded? Think a fight might be too hard to complete yet? Just hold the block and fly away.

This is the best way to gain some height and reach some higher points in the game.

4. Puffshroom + Shield

A mushroom that can be found just about anywhere, and a piece of equipment that is pretty commonly found everywhere in the game. Fuse them together and get a shield that blinds the enemies.

When enemies hit this shield, it blows up into smoke, clouding the vision of monsters surrounding the player.

5. Ruby + Shield

In Breath of the Wild, Ruby was just a commodity for players to sell or use in crafting every now and then. But the developers of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom have given this harmless little thing a little more character this time around.

Fusing it with a shield gives you an explosive shield that blows up when an enemy hits it. It causes no harm to Link, yet it destroys his enemies.

6. Boomerang + Rocket

This is the best example of how developers can give players the ability to correct the wrongs of a horrible weapon. A boomerang goes from being underpowered to very powerful when attached to a rocket.

It’s a boomerang, but way more powerful and way faster.

7. Weapon + Boulder

Getting trapped in caves with nowhere to go is unfortunate. What’s worse is when you do not have a Ruby or one of those bomb flowers to clear that weak wall with. That’s exactly where the boulder weapon comes in handy.

Just hit those walls with this weapon a few times, and they’re gone. This weapon has a similar effect on enemies too; a couple of attacks and they are gone.

8. Flame Emitter + Shield

The flame emitter is a very flexible device, and it is indeed pretty dangerous in the hands of a creative person. Slap it onto a sword, and you get an explosive sword. Fusing it into a shield gives you a flame thrower.

Just burning them away would do wonders when they run around in flames.

9. Cannon + Shield

Cannons are not very easy to come by initially, but once they become common, you must just strap them onto your shield. There’s no way anyone can overstate what this shield can do. This is a shield with a cannon attached to it, it can easily be a bane of life for a number of smaller or mid-sized enemies.


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10. Ruby + Arrows

This might be Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s version of Fallout’s mini-nukes. Just attach a Ruby to an arrow and see the fireworks. But you must be very careful while doing so; the blast that comes with it is too large. It can easily damage and even kill Link with its effect.


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