
Bethesda’s upcoming “Skyrim in Space”, Starfield, is all set to be one of the biggest games of the year. Not only based on its pre-release hype but also in terms of the sheer size and content that this upcoming sci-fi RPG has promised to its audience.

So far, it has been known that, other than having a vast map for the players to explore, it will also offer an extensive relationship mechanic where players can interact with the side characters and potentially develop romantic outcomes.

Below, we have discussed the romance, interaction, and dialogue systems present in Starfield. If you want to learn more about the factions and story of the game, click here. 


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Dialogues will greatly affect the outcome of the characters and the story of Starfield

Having conversations with the NPCs will offer different choices. Each dialogue choice may or may not affect the relationship with that particular NPC or change the outcome they may have by the end of the story. 

Engaging in conversations with NPCs presents players with various dialogue options, each impacting the story as well as the character’s growth in the player’s crew. Game Director Todd Howard revealed in a Q&A video that Starfield has more than 250,000 lines of dialogue, surpassing the number found in previous Bethesda titles such as Fallout 4 and Skyrim and offering a much more in-depth character immersion. 

The dialogue system in Starfield goes beyond mere conversation; it has persuasion mechanics much like those in Oblivion. Players can engage in a minigame during regular dialogue; they can attempt to talk about their interests or something that aligns with their needs. This adds a distinct layer to NPC interactions, allowing players to shape the character’s course of events within the game world.

Skills Effecting the Outcomes

Selecting the appropriate converse options can unlock skills and abilities as well as alter relationships. At the beginning of the game, players will have the option of choosing their background and character skills. These abilities then affect the content and tone of interactions with NPCs, providing choices for skill-based dialogue that have a big impact on the plot.

The interaction with the NPCs will get better thanks to skills. Players can choose their background and character skills when the game first starts. These abilities will aid in reorienting the talks between the characters and even offer alternatives to skill-based speech.

Read More: Starfield Players Have Already Planned About Their First Activity in the Game, One Being “Checking Our Solar System”

The in-depth romance system of Starfield

One of the most interesting aspects of Starfield’s gameplay is its in-depth romance system. Game Director Todd Howard has confirmed that, much like the previous Elder Scroll games, there will be in-depth character romance systems in the game. However, Bethesda’s focus lies more on the complexity of these relationships than their quantity. Relationships in Starfield are designed to be more nuanced, with characters exhibiting fluctuating feelings toward the player. Also, it is possible to severely upset a character to the point where they won’t be engaging with the player anymore.

So far, it has been confirmed that:


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  • Starfield’s single-player campaign will feature a diverse array of NPCs open to romantic relationships, offering players the opportunity to explore multiple romance options. 
  • These relationships will exhibit a heightened level of complexity, as NPCs will have nuanced feelings towards the player character, ranging from liking to disliking. 
  • The game allows for temporary conflicts or disagreements within romantic partnerships, avoiding the typical binary outcomes of permanent changes or complete relationship dissolution.

Starfield’s approach promises a richer and more complex experience in comparison to Skyrim’s rather simple romance system, which mostly featured gift-giving. It seems to be connected to the game’s affinity system, which implies that character interactions will be affected by a variety of variables, creating a deep and immersive love experience.

The choices players make through dialogue interactions and the relationships they form through romance will determine how they go as they explore the unexplored areas of Starfield. The fact that Bethesda is committed to providing an intricate and deep relationship mechanic along with a robust dialogue system heralds a new era in player interaction for RPGs.


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By offering a gaming environment where decisions matter, relationships develop, and genuine connections can be made, Starfield is ready to reinvent the genre. Get ready for a thrilling voyage through the depths of space, where your influence will be felt and the connections you make will determine the course of the cosmos.