
Star Wars Outlaws will be the first open-world title in the franchise. Ubisoft‘s upcoming release has Star Wars fans excited with anticipation of what to expect from the game. While Jedi Knights weren’t seen in the gameplay trailer, fans do expect to catch members of the Jedi Order eventually in the game somewhere.

Playing as the Outer Rim bandit Kay Vess, players may not get the chance to wield a lightsaber in Star Wars Outlaws. That doesn’t mean there’s any shortage of high-paced action and the blasters can be a handy tool to get your objectives done. A recent tweet by an industry insider has revealed more details about the upcoming Star Wars game including the timeline and more. The title will also be developed on Ubisoft’s own Snowdrop Engine and fans are excited to learn how the end result is going to be.

Star Wars Outlaws story and setting


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The devs have hinted that the story of the upcoming game may not feature the two most prominent factions of the franchise. Navigating the universe as a space pirate, the chance of you stumbling across a Jedi Knight of a Sith Lord will be slim. From the looks of it, Star Wars Outlaws will be set between the time between The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi. According to the industry insider Rino, the game will not be like those RPGs with hundreds of hours of gameplay which players often find difficult to finish.

The game is speculated to be set on the planet of Toshara, but Tattooine will be explorable for players as well. From what we know yet, Toshara will be a new location in the universe and we can’t wait to roam around the new planet for ourselves. The self-proclaimed bandit Kay Vess will be the main protagonist in Star Wars Outlaws, who has his base somewhere deep in the Outer Rim.

From the initial reports, Vess is more or less a low-life who is just trying to survive without appearing on the Empire’s radar. It’s also known that there will be 4 main planets in the story that are all explorable. Each of the planets will have more than one location and all planets are hand-crafted rather than being designed using AI.

Read more Star Wars Outlaws: All the Discoverable Planets Featured in the Ubisoft Mega Title

We believe that Star Wars Outlaws will see Vess trying to pull off the biggest heist in the history of the Outer Rims. During her endeavors, Kay is trying to escape the Empire, and numerous intergalactic syndicates as well as trying to make sure her past doesn’t catch up to her. It seems like Vess is trying to hit one last jackpot so she can begin everything from scratch with hopes of a better life.


Rino also hinted that the game may be a very focused action-adventure RPG where players can fly off planets, engage in combats, and exit or enter the hyperspace without any hassle. Players can travel across points either on foot or in high-speed vehicles. For the gastronomically inclined fans, a cooking system is introduced in Star Wars Outlaws, which will undoubtedly satiate many tastebuds. And if you’re one of the braver ones, you may choose to betray Jabba the Hutt as well. As fun as it sounds, we recommend you not try it, unless you have a ride that can get you across the universe in 12 parsecs.

From initial looks, it looks like Star Wars Outlaws will be a Rockstar Games-inspired saga in space. Making shady deals with shadier factions and double-crossing the Empire, players need to do everything for Kay Vess to survive in the gutters that are the Outer Rim. A reputation and wanted system will keep players on their toes trying to find the best way to keep their heads above water. Hence, the decisions you make while completing missions or in the open-world space will determine how the game will reciprocate with you.


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A vast open-world setting

Think of Star Wars Outlaws as the space GTA. Players can choose to complete all missions as they wish to or roam around space aimlessly trying to explore every nook and cranny. Players will be able to interact with other players and undertake missions together while also having a single-player mode where you learn more about the troubled times as the Empire crumbles. Ubisoft claims that Star Wars Outlaws will be the ultimate open-world fantasy of fans coming to life.


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How excited are you for an open-world Star Wars game and what features do you expect to see? Tell us more in the comments.

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