
Sony PlayStation has emerged as the market leader in the gaming sector. With its performance-heavy consoles like PlayStation 5 and its monthly subscription service PlayStation Plus, this Japanese company has definitely made its mark in the heart of fans. And their constant strive for reaching the next level attracts even more fans towards them.

The research team at Sony has also been making their fair share of contributions to the company’s strive. Recently, the gaming giant released a patent to the public that will allow players to get real-time help while gaming. They might combine this with an earlier patent they released that analyzes players’ emotional profiles.

Sony drops a patent that will help players stuck in a boss fight


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One of the central woes of gamers is their struggle to clear a certain level or a boss. The games made these days have also substantially increased their difficulty level. Furthermore, games have started to become bigger in size leading to players not knowing everything they need to know, like certain side-quests. However, Sony has come to the rescue of these stuck gamers.

In a recent patent made public, Sony is looking to deliver a way to connect these players with an expert who will instantly help them. They shared in the patent, “A first expert is assigned to the first player for obtaining assistance. A communication session is generated between a device of the first expert and a device of the first player to enable the first expert to render assistance to the first player.” 


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Read More: Sony’s Latest Patent Hints at a Mountable Disc Drive in “Game Machines” and Possibly Future PS5 Models

The Japanese company has given its reasoning for developing this solution. With this quick-fix solution, they are looking to increase the retention period of gamers. Players who are stuck at a certain point often decide to stop playing the game. While on the other hand, some players decide to go online and search for solutions online. However, both these cases lead to gamers closing the game, leading to a lesser play time.


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Sony is looking to eradicate the problem of less play time with this new patent they have publicized. However, the exact date they will release this technology or whether to not they will roll it out is yet unknown. What are your thoughts on the new patent by Sony? Let us know in the comments section below.

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