There was a time when the three of the most prominent faces of YouTube Gaming, PewDiePie, Markiplier, and Jacksepticeye used to make content together. These veteran YouTubers were considered the “Big Three” of YouTube Gaming. But as time went on, these collaborations became a thing of the past.
The fans had many theories about why they stopped making videos together, especially Mark and Pewds. PewDiePie could still be seen in videos with Jacksepticeye, but Mark is nowhere to be found. For a long time, there was nothing but speculation, but in one of his videos, Pewds finally came forward and provided the real reasons. Giving rest to all the wild beliefs.
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Why doesn’t PewDiePie collaborate with Markiplier anymore?
Back in 2015-16, often these three could be seen doing wacky videos together, like slapping each other and more such things. These videos may have been a little too high on the edgy meter, but they were entertainment galore.
The chemistry between Jack, Mark, and Pewds was very natural. They brought out the chaotic sides of each other and used to make hilarious content together. The roles in the group were very prominent. PewDiePie was the “DramaQueen”, Mark was the “friendly narcissist” and Jack was the “sweet but problematic child”.

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But after a certain time, these three fan favorites stopped coming together. Where Jack still could be seen making collaborations, Pewds and Mark were never again seen together. To clarify the situation and give his reasoning behind not making videos with Mark anymore, Pewds talked about his first collaboration ever.
“One of my first collaborators was Xebaz, and a lot of people kept writing him like “YOU NEED TO COLLAB YOU NEED TO COLLAB” and it’s kinda awkward coz we are not in touch anymore. Nothing happened but it was so like… I don’t know how you tell the internet some people just don’t stay friends forever. It’s the same with Markiplier, yeah just not as close as we used to be,” said the former king of YouTube, Felix Kjellberg aka PewDiePie.
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What do you think about the old collabs between the trio? Do you think they will ever come back together? Let u know in the comments below!