
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is finally out for the fans to enjoy. The Zelda title has taken the gaming world by storm. Fans have got addicted to the arsenal of new powers given to Link. They are testing out all of the powers and making creative inventions in the new Zelda game.

However, a Reddit user has decided to abstain from this craze taking over the gaming world to focus on some real-world issues. And this dedication of his has been commended heavily by others.

Zelda fan refrains to play the game for a while


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In a recent Reddit post, a Zelda fan shared a personal mission of his. Apparently, the gamer has decided to refrain from playing the latest Tears of the Kingdom title, stating college studies as the reason. If he started playing the Tears of the Kingdom, he would probably get addicted to it. This will in turn result in him getting dropped out of college.

However, the Zelda fan would still be in touch with the series, just not with the latest title. He has opted to play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on his Nintendo 3DS during the bus travel to the university. Ocarina of Time was a trendsetter in itself when it was launched. This 1998 title was the first game in The Legend of Zelda series with 3D graphics.

Read More- Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Gets Review Bombed on Metacritic. Is This Nintendo’s Masterclass Really Bad or Are Fans Over-Reacting?

Meanwhile, this dedication of the Reddit user has earned the respect of his fellow gamers. They shared their encouragement by commenting on the post.

Fans applaud the commitment of the Reddit user

Gamers are coming forward to support the quest of the Reddit user and offering him words of encouragement. They are hoping he stays in college and gets good grades.


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The Reddit user, however, will have to wait for a quite some time. He has given himself the waiting period from this game until December. After that, the Zelda fan can join the rest of the gamers in enjoying and exploring this Nintendo title.


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What are your thoughts on the fan’s decision to choose his academic endeavors over The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom? Let us know in the comment section below.