
The recently released Call of Duty Warzone 2 has become a ground for hilarious social experiments. As the new game has introduced the “proximity chat” feature in the online lobbies, the multiplayer has changed forever. Casual players and online content creators are using the feature for making hilarious outcomes in online matches. 

Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 is a free-to-play battle royale video game for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. It is a sequel to 2020’s Call of Duty: Warzone. This game is a part of the other massive new release in the series, Cod Modern Warfare 2, but one doesn’t need to buy it to play Warzone 2. 


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Call of Duty Warzone brings many new fun elements to the battle royal genre. From public squads to custom load-outs and the most fun of them all; Proximity Chat. Usually, battle royals don’t get a chat feature. The players have to use third-party software like discord to chat between themselves. But Warzone 2 took the innovative path and added an in-game proximity chat for everyone to enjoy. 

What is Proximity chat in Call of Duty Warzone 2? 

Proximity chat is a feature that lets the players talk to each other in-game. Just as the name suggests, the proximity or distance between the players determines who can hear whom. This feature is quite new in the franchise and the players are using it to the fullest.

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But not just fans, content creators are also using the feature for their own advantages. Doing hilarious social experiments in the game lobbies. Like streamer and content creator, CouRageJD who wrecked his enemies in the lobbies by using the proximity chat. 

In Warzone 2, there is a feature where players can join each other in squads. So when a player recognized CouRage and asked if he can join him in his squad, an idea popped into the streamer’s mind.

CouRage said, “You guys want to join our squad?” which thrilled the player as they agreed and quickly ran to him. The streamer said, “Open your ping wheel… you’ll see that you can request to join someone’s squad. We won’t kill you. Come to our building.” And as the player focused on following his instruction, the poor man couldn’t realize when he was killed point blank by CouRage. The streamer screamed, “Welcome to Warzone 2 b***ch,” to let them know this is how things are in the game.

How did fans react to the streamer’s shenanigans? 

The fans, on the other hand, weren’t very pleased with this. They pointed out that this kind of behavior is toxic for the game. Some made fun of CouRageJD for being “Cringe” and expressed their distaste for his actions. And there were some fans too who absolutely enjoyed the whole interaction. As to them, the Proximity chat is another addition to having some fun with the players after all.


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