
Every major celebrity in the fitness bubble is hiding a secret from the entire world. Fitness goals are great to have and every single human being should strive to incorporate them in their day. PewDiePie doesn’t have an issue with celebrities like Chris Evans, Dwyane ‘The Rock’ Johnson, Chris Hemsworth, and even Mark Wahlberg promoting fitness.

In his recent video, the Swedish superstar shed light on the lack of transparency of steroid use in the industry. The push for more superhero titles taking over Hollywood.


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Using this secret performance has become even more prevalent, which usually sends out the wrong message, as celebrities and influencers never talk about it.

PewDiePie wants to see more transparency about attainable physique

He mentioned not only top Hollywood A-listers but also went after Instagram influencers that aren’t honest. Who wouldn’t want to have a body like their favorite superheroes, but in reality, it is not attainable by natural means. These celebs make use of the best nutritionist, best gym facility, trainers, and more to achieve the inhuman physique. However, it is also quite obvious that nobody is talking about steroid use.

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This magical drug bolsters muscle growth and allows you to attain impossible goals. He took the example of every major actor within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, who has transformed themselves over a short period. Portraying the role of a superhero would require a similar physique that can make your character believable, but making a fool of the audience that these physiques are attainable via clean eating is not a welcome move.


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He stated even he has spent an ample amount of time within the gym and knows how tedious and time-consuming the process of building muscle truly is. He also stated bodybuilders packing insane muscle at the advanced age of 50 should come out and tell the truth.

PewDiePie’s concerns are in the right place as it could influence the young generation to take the wrong path.


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Steroids aren’t safe by means, and it carries an ample amount of side effects. He merely wanted to shine a bright light on this topic that everyone doesn’t wish to address.