
The universe of Call of Duty is vast when it comes to having outstandingly portrayed characters. However, there are a few of them who have earned a huge following among the fans quite rapidly in the last year itself. The current installment is the best example of featuring two such individuals – who can be perfectly defined as the Yin and Yang of this game’s story – Valeria Garza and Alejandro Vargas.

Now that’s an amazing take on a game featuring full-blown action and fast-paced narrative, right? But that’s the beauty of this FPS series. At times, it ends up revealing certain elements that one can deeply study from a philosopher’s point of view. The chemistry between Valeria and Alejandro is exactly the element in Modern Warfare II that stands out the most. Especially, when observed from the lens of a popular philosophical concept.

Valeria and Alejandro are opposite but strong forces in Call of Duty


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For those who are not aware of the lore behind their relationship, the two were on the same team but in different units. Valeria became a part of the Mexican Special Forces in Las Almas after going through intense training. She was on the team that was trying to stop the crimes in the city. A leader known as ‘El Sin Nombre’ had taken over Las Almas’ drug cartel.

Being part of the same team, both the characters in Call of Duty Modern Warfare II tried to protect the people and stop the raid of La Arana’s son. In this mission, Valeria’s team had to stop El Sin Nombre from creating a massive war and blood bath. Eventually, her team managed to accomplish the objective. Strangely, though, Valeria goes missing in the end. Later, it’s revealed that she was the one who escorted the original El Sin Nombre (La Arana) to the mountains.

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In MWII’s Campaign, she’s captured by Task Force 141 and Shadow Company. They get to know that she’s become the new El Sin Nombre who runs a drug cartel across the city. During the interrogation, we see Alejandro recognizing Valeria after a long time since she first went missing. Soon, it becomes pretty much clear that these two won’t be sharing a very nice chemistry, thanks to Ms. Garza becoming an evil mastermind. In other words, she’s now the arch nemesis of Alejandro.

Yin is represented by Valeria while Alejandro reflects Yang

The interrogation sequence from MWII’s story also indicates that they share a unique bond. Perhaps, it can be called a situation of Yin and Yang, from the Chinese concept of philosophy. It is not very difficult to understand either for anyone who’s observed these individuals thoroughly.

Speaking of the concept, it features two principles – Yin and Yang. The former is considered negative while the latter reflects positivity. Yin represents the feminine and dark side while Yang is masculine and bright. In general, their relationship is described as a necessity for each other. Basically, opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary and interdependent in the real world. In fact, they may give rise to one another due to having a strong interrelation.


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Pondering over the chemistry between Valeria and Alejandro once again, it seems obvious that they complement each other. While one is extremely evil, the other is a pure supporter of justice and righteousness. Their dynamic relationship is yet to see even more shades going forward.

It is already known that 2023’s MWIII will continue the Campaign story of the ongoing title. Which means there’s more to their chemistry that needs to be discovered. Until they reach their respective goals, these two forces will stop at nothing to do what they believe is absolutely justified. Even if it means using extreme means to their ends.


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But one thing that can’t be denied is the fact that Valeria and Alejandro complete each other – one can simply not exist without the other. MWII has shown this narrative and the upcoming game will probably carry it forward. There could be a potential conclusion as well this time. Who will win between these two personalities? Valeria or Alejandro – or both? Only time will tell the answer.

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