
Analogue, to the surprise of no one, has established itself as one of the most prominent hardware manufacturers of modern times. It caters to a market of gamers who are living in nostalgia and want to bring back the good old times of gaming. From Super Nintendo to the Game Boy Advance, they have made everything.

And now, after releasing a slew of exciting classic video game consoles, Analogue has decided to take the next logical step. A step into the world of 3D. Yes, Analog is now officially working on a modern iteration of the N64!


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Everything we know about Analogue N64

Analogue is a classy brand in every way. And they have proven this with not only their console but also their design. Turning those funky 8–16-bit video game consoles into a classy showpiece is what they have done all these years. However, that’s not all they do. They also bring some new ideas to the table.

The ability to play classic games in 1080p, to be able to play them via the HDMI output. And best of all, the ability to play those games straight from the game cart to the hardware—no emulation involved. This is where it shows how much this company cares for its consumers. They are not just slapping in some features and selling just anything for profit. They’re actually giving people their money’s worth. Take the features that they are promising for the N64, for example.

  1. Wireless Bluetooth, 2.4 GHz, as well as 4-classic N64 controller ports
  2. Custom Analogue OS is completely engineered in FPGA, which means no emulation; it’s like paying for the original N64.
  3. 4K reimagining of the original N64 console Giving fans the ability to play the whole N64 library in 4K.
  4. Original display options, besides the suggested 4K feature.

With these features, this console is obviously set to be one of the most in-demand pieces of hardware in 2024. Fans everywhere would surely be lining up to get their hands on one of these. Of course, it’s no short of a miracle if one gets the ability to play games like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 on their modern TVs without having to fiddle with those ancient AV cables.

With respect to the features, especially the 4K reimagining, Analogue CEO Christopher Taber shared in an interview with Paste that, “FPGA plus 4K equals 100 percent control over everything, in every detail. Analogue 3D performs like a masterful f***ing orchestra—a symphony—because, again, everything is designed from scratch, in house, with complete control over every dynamic. Therefore every nuance is able to be calibrated to an unprecedented degree. To me, it’s either this, or buy a fucking original N64 and a CRT. End of story.”

Of course, fans would have to be vigilant whenever this exciting new console makes its way to the market. Given Analogue’s previous offering, Analogue Pocket, the reimagination of the Game Boy Advance rarely stays in stock.

Still, here’s hoping that this time things are different and everyone who wants an Analogue N64 gets one.

The excitement of what comes next is surreal!

While Analogue N64 is going to launch next year, the one console that we are most excited about is none other than the Nintendo GameCube. Yes, Nintendo’s most underrated console might just be the next project that Analogue puts its hands on.

Going by their current lineup, they are following Nintendo’s schedule of console releases pretty closely. From Super Nintendo to Game Boy Advance to N64, it would not be a surprise when fans see GameCube making its way to the market.

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And that’s what entices most Nintendo fans the most. GameCube, by default, had a unique design. Some called it the Cube because of its obvious cubelike shape, while others decided to call it the Tiffin Box, thanks to that handle on its back.


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It would be interesting to see how Analogue redesigns that console. What would be even more interesting is to see how they treat GameCube’s controller. The controller that changed everything, the controller that revolutionized gaming controllers, and one that gamers use to this day for Super Smash Bros. games. Here’s hoping it retains that comfortable design and those pressure-sensitive shoulder buttons.

The ability to play GameCube games on an Ultra HD TV without the need for any extra hardware would be a blessing. That console deserves an extra inning, and this could be it.

Besides, most of GameCube’s library is so graphically impressive that it would shine on a larger TV at a higher resolution. From exciting games like Metroid Prime and Prime 2 to peaceful titles such as Pikmin and Animal Crossing, who can forget The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker as well as Twilight Princess?


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It would be great to see Analogue N64-ion action, and it would be even better to see Analogue’s GameCube on our TV shelves. Here’s hoping this turns into a reality sooner or later.

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