
Pokimane revealed one of her strangest dates, and fans can’t believe it. 

Dating is hard. We are always in search of meeting new people and finding the right match. However, during this course, we could end up on a jolly and amazing or demeaning and frustrating date. I mean, in the modern era, people abide by their rules and do things that make sense only to them. This poses a problem at times as the other is utterly clueless about things happening around them. These are two main situations that people generally fall in during their dating life. And then comes the third type, the off-beat people that creep you out. 


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Imagine you’re on a date, and the other person randomly starts acting weird. It would creep you out, right? Well, as much as we have experienced it, popular Twitch streamer Pokimane also fell prey to a similar situation. The content creator revealed the details on her recent stream, talking about how badly she got creeped out on a date. 

Pokimane reminisces about a ‘Strange’ date that she went on 

Pokimane hosted her usual stream, playing video games and talking to her fans. And while fans enjoyed the content, the next bit of the stream shook them all. Apparently, Poki revealed a recent date that she went on that turned out to be a big fail.

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Here’s what she said on stream, “I hung out with a man not too long ago, and he started making sounds like that kind of like a monkey out of nowhere, and it was very frightening. I did not know what that meant.” To this, her entire stream went crazy as they bombarded her with multiple questions. 

Out of all, the majority of them stressed the fact that she was mating. To this, she said, “No mating. we were not mating were you two in bed no we were like walking it seemed like um a little involuntary yeah involuntary monkey sounds no he doesn’t have Tourette’s might be a gorilla in disguise.” And to everyone’s surprise, Poki also featured the noise that she heard while on the ‘strange’ walk. 

Incidents like these have become common in today’s world as we are more open to meeting new people. Plus, online dating and dating apps have grown drastically, with people going on blind dates. So, it’s always a 50-50 chance that the next person you meet might be the right one. 


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WATCH THIS STORY: From Pokimane to Ninja: Top Streamers Who Appeared in Ryan Reynold’s Free Guy


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