
In gaming these days, nothing seems impossible for the players. Gamers, driven by their deep affection and dedication to their games, have expanded their potential beyond their limits and achieved crazy feats. Be it powering up the whole setup with a car battery before a tournament to ensure flawless power supply amidst power surges or participating in a tournament with McDonald’s wifi. Today, we will witness a similar crazy achievement by an Elden Ring streamer.

This player beats the Elden Ring bosses for fun with the most unconventional controller you might have never heard about.

The Camera Controller: Brought to You by Nikoheart


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Elden Ring is one of the most demanding games to beat, with its challenging quests and horrifying bosses. But an American streamer and speedrunner, Nikoheart, seemed to master the game first with a Camera Control. Beating the formidable bosses in Elden Ring has become Niko’s bread and butter with this camera control.

This streamer has made a controller out of a whole conventional camera. Not only does this controller play games, but it also takes photos. In the back of the camera, there is a little port through which the camera sends debug information. This debugged information is then repurposed with software called ‘Magic Lantern.’ This software adds extra codes to this information. These camera buttons can then be recognized as controller buttons.

Niko uses AutoHotkey to remap all the keyboard and mouse commands into the camera buttons. Not only that, but this camera controller also has a gyroscope sensor to compensate for the fast mouse movements. The shutter button of the controller is used as the fire button, which shoots enemies and takes pictures.

Niko can click many photos and upload them straight away from his camera while in the middle of a game. This unique controller also has buttons for various movements, dodge rolls, mouse keys, and more.

Fans Are in Awe of This Unorthodox Controller

Fans are stunned by this camera controller. Let’s read some fan reactions:

This fan has a unique compliment for Niko and his controller.

This fan explains his disappointment as he can’t beat the game with conventional keyboards and mouse, but Niko is rocking the Elden Ring world with just a camera.

This fan has a quirky and humorous reaction seeing this baffling scenario.

According to this fan, Niko is a badass streamer.

This fan thinks Niko is insanely creative. He truly is.


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The camera controller in Nikoheart is the first and only one of its kind. Although we have seen another ridiculously unconventional controller as a saxophone from another Elden Ring speed runner, DrDeComposing, this camera controller is something else.

Read More : Can a Saxophone Make You Inevitable? Well, This Elden Ring Player Has Made It Possible


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We hope to see more baffling gaming stuff from creative minds like Niko in the near future.

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