
The Apple and Epic saga continues to witness more twists and turns. Now, Microsoft has rallied in support of Epic Games so as to protect the interest of a vast majority. The Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, took to Twitter in a bid to announce their support to Epic by filing a statement.


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It all started when Fortnite introduced a new direct payment for the in-game purchase of V-Bucks. This discounted payment mode would see Apple and Google lose out on their 30% cut.

In return, Apple and Google removed Fortnite from their app stores, leading Epic to file a lawsuit against Apple. The story has been developing ever since.

Microsoft backs up Epic

Apple’s move to deny access to Epic to its Software Development Kit (SDK) and other development tools will prevent Epic from supporting Unreal Engine on IOS and macOS.

Esports insider Rod Breslau offered some insight into what exactly the declaration entails.

The game engine developed by Epic Games has been a substantial element for many developers, and Apple’s move can leave them at a huge disadvantage.

The declaration goes on to state how developing a game using different platforms will be both expensive and difficult. Unreal Engine supporting cross-platform is a huge boost, and developing a title using different platforms will never be as cost-effective as the former choice.

Microsoft, as game developers, targets a platform that is both supportive and functional enough to deliver. If you are wondering how Apple’s decision is affecting Microsoft, the answer is simple. Apple’s decision would mean Microsoft will have to choose between abandoning customers on IOS platforms or find a new game engine to develop their titles.

This is a lot of work for the company and would complicate things even further. Microsoft’s decision favors a lot of developers and creators out there. Pushing out Epic could lead to many more hassles, something that can be avoided.


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Apple and Epic in a tug of war

A few days back, Apple stated that Epic wanted to cut a special deal with them. In a new legal filing, they stated that Epic Games’ CEO, Tim Sweeney, asked for the deal to be done.


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However, Tim Sweeney came forth on Twitter with his revelation. He stated how he specifically asked Apple to make the option available to all iOS developers, and not just for the benefits of their company alone.

Things seem to be escalating as by the day. Microsoft taking a stand for Epic to promote others’ interests and safeguard their own could be the breaking point.