
Hideo Kojima, the renowned game director, and self-proclaimed space enthusiast, has always been at the forefront of technological advancements in the gaming industry. His acclaimed titles, such as Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding, often explore the theme of technology as a means of connecting people. However, when it comes to generative artificial intelligence (AI), Kojima’s stance is more nuanced.

In the post-screening ‘Q&A with Hideo Kojima’ during the documentary’s New York City premiere, Geoff Keighley brought up the subject of AI. When Kojima voiced his opinion that humans should continue to be the primary creators of art, the audience cheered.

Hideo Kojima and his war on AI


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Kojima said, “I don’t think AI would take over.” He continued, “I will order AI to do something, and if they don’t listen, I will gut that AI.” He went on to say that if AI were to advance to the point where he had to deal with it, he would exert his authority over it. People ought to be above it.

After the audience applauded, Kojima continued, stressing that he has mixed feelings about the deployment of artificial intelligence. He emphasized that it ultimately relies on how AI is used while acknowledging the potential advantages of reducing the laborious and lengthy production process, which frequently lasts for several years.


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In order to illustrate his point, Kojima provided a hypothetical scenario that took into consideration the normal four-year, 600-person development cycle of a triple-A video game. He speculated, “Maybe it will be faster if you change it to 300 with AI. However, the creator must give laborious instructions for what needs to be done. The future is amazing, in my opinion. I’ll also make AI a gamer in order to assist me grow even further.” To lighten the mood, Kojima made a joke about the audience’s failure to laugh, saying, “You were supposed to laugh, sorry.”

Read More: “Unfortunate” – Fans Disappointed As Hideo Kojima Claims He Is Doing Everything For Death Stranding Film Adaptation Except For One Core Responsibility

Although the idea of artificial intelligence has existed since the 1950s in various versions, generative AI is a relatively recent innovation that has elicited conflicting responses. Numerous artists have expressed worries and animosity towards generative AI in a variety of mediums, including literature, film, journalism, and video games, for fear that AI-powered systems may quickly replace their creative careers.


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Hideo Kojima’s perspective on AI in the creative process reflects his belief in the continued importance of human involvement and artistic direction. While he acknowledges the potential benefits that AI can offer in terms of efficiency, he emphasizes the necessity of creators maintaining control and guiding the AI’s actions. As the industry continues to evolve, the relationship between human creators and AI technology will undoubtedly shape the future of art and entertainment.

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