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A close friend of MrBeast‘s, Kris Tyson revealed her new name and pronouns on Anthony Padilla’s podcast after finally coming to terms with her new identity. Her journey to come out to her fans has not been a smooth one, with her facing a lot of criticism for it. During her interview with Anthony Padilla, Tyson talked about her struggles in coming to terms with her true self.

Despite the online hatred, Tyson appreciated her friends’ and MrBeast’s support. Now she has gained the confidence to say it to the world. However, the journey to gain that confidence was not an easy one for her.

A close friend of MrBeast, Kris Tyson, shares her struggles in coming to terms with her identity


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Padilla questioned Tyson after she came out to the public as a woman if coming out to the world was more difficult than coming out to herself. To this Tyson quickly responded by coming out to herself. She shared, “I came out to myself with my therapist and it took like three sessions.”

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During those three sessions, Tyson gradually came to terms with herself. She said, “It was hard for me to say that because I was so scared of saying I am a woman and then instantly hearing no you’re not.” This was an internal battle for Tyson which she constantly faced while putting on a brave front for the public. She also talked about her struggles with self-hatred and how she overcame it by “listening to what her body wanted”


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She also talked about how comfortable she felt with her true identity. And it was made possible in part by her close friend’s and MrBeast’s unwavering support. Tyson had come out to MrBeast long before she started HRT. The accepting approach of MrBeast was heartwarming for her. She has fully come to terms with herself now, stating, “What comes out of my mouth is me now.”


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What are your thoughts on the internal struggles Kris Tyson faced before fully coming to terms with her identity and revealing it to the world? Let us know in the comments section below.

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