
MrBeast is the pinnacle of YouTube creation and has been the most successful content creator in the world. This is also the reason why upcoming YouTube content creators try to understand his video-making strategy and make a to-the-point note on how to make more and more content as he does.

This was proven even truer recently when a fan disclosed that they have been watching “several hours” of MrBeast’s long-form videos to understand how the content-making skill can be learned. And according to MrBeast, it seems that he can make others learn how the skill can be understood and learned. But despite all this, Trainwreckstv has not been convinced as he thinks that he is not “harmless”.


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Trainwreckstv says that he can’t make content like MrBeast, as he is not harmless

In a recent post, a Twitter user by the name of Chippy posted a tweet saying that he has finally understood that making videos as MrBeast makes is rather a skill that can be learned. He posted, I’ve consumed several hours of longform @MrBeast interviews. And I am now convinced that content virality is a modern and learnable skill.” 

via Imago

To which MrBeast replied that it is rather true and that he himself tries to teach the skill to other YouTubers to learn the skill. He said, “It is, I train people how to get millions of views all the time.” 

However, it seems that Twitch streamer and gambler Trainwreckstv was not convinced by MrBeast’s take on the matter as he said that he won’t be able to make such content because he is not “harmless”.

READ MORE: A ‘Money’ Comparison Between Rappers and YouTubers Interests MrBeast, Fans Go Wild and Speculate Around the Comparison

Trainwreck commented on MrBeast’s post by saying, “it’s easy to get views for people who look harmless and sound harmless, but me, someone who speaks his mind regardless of if it’s a popular or unpopular opinion, is the real challenge to test yourself,” along with a laughing emoji.


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Notably, British YouTuber TommyInnit replied to the MrBeast post that doing YouTube is all about “Luck”, making it obvious that the success of a YouTube channel or a YouTuber is rather 50-50 chance of part skill and part luck.


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