
The wizarding world offered by the new Hogwarts Legacy game is widely acclaimed. From mystical creatures to magical academics, there are a wide variety of things to explore in the game. Spells are among the best in this regard. These are the heart of the game, as every moment needs players to cast a spell or two.

So, here is a tier list of the combat spells that players use in the game.

Hogwarts Legacy spell Tier list


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Before moving into the list, players need to understand that this is not an objective list. The tier has been made according to the most often scenarios that are faced within the game.

Note that we are using only the combat spells in the game, which directly help players during fights. For categorizing them, these spells will be put into the S+ tier, S tier, A tier, B tier, and C tier. Let’s start from the top.

The S+ tier spells

These are considered to be the most powerful spells in the game. Not only are these OP ones, but they also provide players with immense strength during battles.

  • Avada Kedavra- The first spell on the list is, of course, Avada Kedavra. This surely is an obvious choice. The spell can one hit kill enemies and is arguably the most powerful spell in the game. Yes, it has an insane cool-down time, but if you use the combos to perfection, just one cast of this deadly spell is enough to kill hoards of enemies.
  • Crucio- It is yet another unforgivable spell. Though the damage output of the spell is not out of this world, it surely has a huge potential. Especially when you invest in the Dark Arts skill set. The ability can curse enemies and is a perfect partner spell for Avada Kedavra.
  • Transformation- This is a pretty unique spell. Though the initial state of the spell just turns enemies into barrels, it has a huge output capability. All you need to do is invest in the spell to make it to optimal skill level. This turns enemies into explosive barrels and you can just swoosh them around on others to deal heavy damage.


  • Bombardo- The spell releases a short explosion which is ideal for usage, especially during the mid-end of the game. Not only can you deal exceptional damage to enemies, but wizards also can dissect groups of opponents with the spell.
  • Diffindo– Apart from the deadly Avade Kedavra, this is an optimal damage-dealing spell. Especially in cases when you want to attack enemies in long range. This spell not only is an ideal finishing move, but it also is one of the most stylish ones in the game.
  • Glacius– This is a wonderful spell if used correctly. It not only deals damage, but it momentarily freezes your enemies. Another interesting aspect of Glacius is when it is coupled with other spells in the game. That is, a passive ability of the spell is that the next attack that the enemy receives after getting hit by Glacius is amplified. Thus, this spell makes the enemies more vulnerable to your attacks.

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  • Imperio– The third unforgivable spell in the game. Compared to its counterparts, Imperio has less impact, but it is also a very handy spell. You can mind-control opponents, and it surely is a fun way to attack enemies. It’s like you are the wolf while the two sheep battle it out.
  • Accio– Though this doesn’t deal significant damage, the spell is very helpful to cut through enemies. You call pull opponents closer to deal close-range spells and get rid of them once and for all.

A Tier Spells

  • Arresto Momentum- This slow charm spell can be used situationally. The spell is sort of like infecting the opponents with zero gravity. They would sway around in the air for a while with the spell. Though there are other spells that can do the very same thing.
  • Expelliarmus– No Potterhead would forget this spell. The disarming ability is exceptional with opponents who wield weapons. But this very factor is what restricts its potential. This is only good against opponents who have weapons!
  • Levioso– Though this spell is learned in the early game, it carries its momentum to the very end. Even if there are other abilities with similar features, Levioso outclasses most of them.

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  • Confringo– A decent spell to deal damage to mid-range and close-range enemies. The spell even bounces off enemies and hits others. But it gets overshadowed by other spells as the game progresses.
  • Depulso– This is the opposite of Accio. The spell pushes enemies back. It is ideal to push opponents off a cliff, but it is very situation oriented and is overshadowed by other spells.
  • Descendo– This is a good spell for combinations and it bounces enemies off the floor. But in combats, the ability can be replaced by other spells.

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  • Incendio– The flame spell you use against almost all opponents at the beginning of the game is Incendio. But like other spells in this category, the attack soon gets replaced by better-performing spells.


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The spell that doesn’t do much other than humiliate enemies is Flipendo. The spell does no damage and just makes your enemies do somersault mid-air. There are better aerial abilities compared to Flipendo.


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These are the tier list of the combat spells that wizards can use in the game.