
The Last of Us series is finally here; fans are loving it every single bit as they loved the original games. And that is not even surprising! The game’s creator and director Neil Druckmann’s involvement in this series made sure that it is faithful to its source material.

While fans went through one of the most savaging moments from the game in the series, they keep wondering what other moments would make their way to the upcoming episodes of the series.

Before they make it to the series, let’s take a stroll down memory lane of the Last of Us, and look at five of the most heartbreaking moments they experienced in games.


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Losing Sarah

Sarah was one of the most crucial characters of the first game. She made Joel human.

When she talked to her father, they were almost like friends and that friendship was what made this character’s short time in that game memorable.

When Joel lost her, he lost his humanity with her. It can be easily said that her loss is the biggest driving force in this game.

The tragedy of Henry and Sam

Henry and Sam were not very different from Joel and Ellie. These two groups consisted of one powerful leader and a quick-witted follower. Only Henry made a lot of effort to make sure Sam was safer, and he did that by restricting his visibility cone.

He just allowed Sam to look for things that are useful. He never considered his brother a kid and never allowed him to be one either. And this overprotective behavior is what showed their bond. It showed Henry’s love for his brother.

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So once Sam got infected and Henry had to shoot his own brother in the head, he refused to cope with it and took his own life too. This very sad tale shaped Ellie’s view of the world in a very curious manner. She was now more dedicated to eradicating the disease that caused this tragedy.

Tess’s last words

Tess became Joel’s closest companion when he was surviving the pandemic. And she was usually the leader of everything they were part of. So, when she seemed too eager to smuggle Ellie where she was needed, Joel reluctantly agreed.

He would only find out why she insisted on doing so way later. It turns out that she suffered a bite during one of her scuffles with the infected. While she slowly turns into one of them, she hoped to find a cure through Ellie, but once she realizes it’s too late for her, she sends Joel and Ellie on their way and stays back to halt some enemies following them.

This is what inspired Joel to try for a cure.

Ellie survives winter

Till gamers reached winter in the first game, everything was pretty clear to Ellie. Infected were bad, and so was the Army, but sometimes people try to kill people for supplies too. But when winter arrives, and Ellie has to survive on her own, she meets her greatest adversary.

She is forced to see the worst side of humanity through her own eyes, and all alone. No Joel to protect her, and no comics to soothe her mind.

Some say winter was when Ellie grew up, as now she knew the world for what it was.

Joel’s lie!


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Ellie lost a number of people, most of them she lost due to this disease, to which she was immune.

She was ready to give anything to find a cure for it, as she felt responsible. But once Joel found out that the cure would mean Ellie’s death, he simply refused to go through with it, and lied to her that there was no cure.

Joel suffered for that lie. He paid for it with his life. But before his life, he lost Ellie’s trust and her support.


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It would be equally heart-breaking and exciting for fans to experience these moments in the series. It remains to be seen if there would be any changes to how these moments unfold.