
Recently Eiji Aonuma took the stage to reveal a bunch of new information about Nintendo’s upcoming big-budget game The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. There are several aspects of the Tears of the Kingdom that are still hidden in the shadows. How would crafting work? Have they found a cure for those frustrating Hill climbs?

It appears Nintendo has indeed found a solution for both these things.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has a very in-depth crafting system


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The gameplay showcase of Tears of the Kingdom started with something that almost every fan is aware of, a weapon breaking, Eiji Aonuma picks up a stick, attacks an enemy with it and it breaks, he finds another one and attacks the same enemy, and it breaks again.

Moving ahead, Aonuma introduces an ability called Fuse. It allows players to fuse any two items together to create a weapon or a useful item. Moreover, he showcases the ability by attacking a stone to a stick and then attaching a fork to a long stick. Further, he mentioned that players “can do a lot of things just by thinking about what’s even impossible”.

The islands in the skies are called Sky Islands. To access those Islands players gain an ability called Recall. Occasionally they would see a bunch of stones falling from the skies and if the player uses the Recall ability on those stones, taking Link back to the skies. Then Link can safely glide to various sky islands around him.

Link can now use various monster parts to craft arrows with various abilities too. White chuchu jelly creates an ice arrow and red one creates a fire arrow. Moreover if one uses a Keese Eyeball with an arrow, they get a homing arrow! Yes, Tears of the Kingdom has homing arrows now!

Eventually, Aonuma reaches a wide lake and instead of swimming through it, he uses an ability called Ultrahand to attach a bunch of logs together and create a raft. In addition, fans were introduced to some new items available in the game. Link used Ultrahand to attach those fans to his raft and creates a nifty motorboat! Players can build themselves rafts, boats, flying machines, and even cars using this ability.

Read More: Top 5 Facts to Know Before Buying the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Finally, he went to a small structure and just looked up and used yet another ability called Ascend, this ability simply floats Link through the ceiling of the structure he uses this ability in. Aonuma specified that if players can find a cave under a huge mountain, they can skip their climbs using this ability.


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It appears this game is almost doing good on Eiji Aonuma’s promise of changing gaming, it might not change gaming forever, but it would change the experience for sure.

It remains to be seen how fans react to all these new additions to this game. There’s a feeling that Nintendo is still holding the marquee elements for a later showcase, or maybe for the game’s launch itself.


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The title looks like a swansong for Nintendo Switch. Moreover, to the pleasure of Nintendo fans, Eiji Aonuma also announced that the game has finally finished production, which means it would soon go gold!

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