
Apex Legends is undoubtedly one of the most hyped games of the modern era. It caters to millions of fans from different parts of the world, inviting them to its fictional world. Since 2019, the game has developed tremendously, with the devs working day and night to make it perfect. However, as they say, every good thing stumbles. The game saw its downfall in 2022. Fans complained of not getting any exciting updates apart from the season upgrades, pushing them to quit the game. I mean, the last big update released in November 2021, and since then, the game is surviving on its gold. 

However, it looks like Apex Legends might finally get its breakthrough as fresh leaks have hinted towards massive updates in 2023. A Redditor has claimed the possibility of a new weapon, glimpses from Respawn’s last title, and more. 


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Fresh Apex Legends leaks surface claiming skyrocket updates in 2023 

Apex Legends fans saw one of the slowest years for the game as the developers barely released any updates. Apart from the season and rank progression, the game did not feature a new weapon, map, or anything of interest. Vividly, the last big update traced back to November 2021, when the devs released the C.A.R SMG in the game. 

DIVE DEEPER: Respawn Entertainment Puts A Halt To Ongoing Apex Legends Glitches With A Much-Needed Patch Notes Update, Fans Thrilled

But post that, there were no updates of interest. I mean, the franchise did add some new legends and improved graphics, but that was limited to an extent. So, fans were in the hope for a new weapon, a game mode, or anything that would turn things around. 


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And it looks like things are in their favor, as a Redditor has leaked upcoming updates for 2023. As posted by Thordan, the game could feature a new TDM, map, legend, and more. But most importantly, the leaks suggest a map from Respawn’s classic Titanfall and dual-wielding pistols.

Apparently, one of the game trailers had accidentally leaked the gun in them, and fans quickly spotted it. However, none of them escalated the topic, leaving it in the dark for time to decide. But now, with the leaks out, it feels like Apex fans may finally get a new in-game weapon. 


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Nevertheless, we cannot claim when the leaks would be added or if all of them would be true. After all, the franchise has addressed this at any point so, it still counts as a mystery. 

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