
The new ‘Pump Up the Jam’ emote in Fortnite is fun and quite cool. Now you can get yourself the new Pump Up the Jam Emote for free. The whole procedure is super easy and fast.

Steps to get the new Pump Up the Jam Emote in Fortnite

  • The first step is to make your way inside the battle realm lobby and open up the menu section. Just go ahead and click on settings.
  • After this, scroll all the way over to the right tab where it says ‘Accounts and Privacy’. Make sure that certain settings are applied correctly. Turn on the ‘Player Surveys’ and ‘Can Receive Gifts’.
  • Scroll down a bit more and you’ll see ‘Allow Cross-Platform Play’. Turn that to yes. If you do not have the option of cross-platform play, then don’t worry. It simply means that it is automatically on. So, if you don’t see it, just don’t worry at all. The last thing you have to do in the setting area is to decrease the Hidden Matchmaking Delay. Have it at 0 seconds.
  • It is about to get done. Open the menu again and click on ‘Select Game Mode’. There you will have three options in front of you. The options are Save the World, Battle Royale, and Creative. Go straight to Battle Royale.


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  • We are in the ultimate step to get the new Pump Up the Jam emote absolutely free. Go back to the menu option and click on the ‘Reporting/Feedback’ option. After this, click on the ‘Report a Bug’ option and scroll down to find the ‘Other’ option. Go to the ‘Other’ option and accept and submit the report.
  • After you submit the report, Epic Games is going to email you in a few minutes asking what is your issue with the game. Say that you do not have the Pump Up the Jam Emote now. You used to have it but it is not there anymore. Your job is done here.
  • Epic Games will email you after some minutes telling you that they added the emote into your account. Now all you have to do is restart your game and there you’ll have your free pump up the jam emote.

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The main reason this trick works is the setting changes that you have made. Epic can’t really see if you had the emote for not. There you have your super cool new emote in Fortnite, and that too, for free.

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