
Fortnite is one of the most popular battle royale games right now. A month ago, the game released Chapter 4 with huge expectations. And they were right, as it was well received by the metaverse community. What both parties did not expect was the glitches though.

There were rampant reports of many glitches the new chapter brought. These were causing irritation and tension among the players. Along with all these, another factor that the players did not appreciate in the new chapter was the drastic change made to the weekly quest.


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The Fortnite weekly quest changes are ‘not much appreciated’

Epic Games constantly invests many resources to maintain the stardom of their popular game Fortnite. They go to all extremes to make players engaged in the game. These include collaborations, new events, and more in-game features.

But, in the past, some of these were met with criticism. And just like those times, the new change that the game brought regarding the weekly quest shared the same fate. Before all this, that is during the time before Chapter 4, things were different. The weekly challenges were more lenient towards the players.

These quests did not go away and were stored in the quests tab. This assisted players to do the challenges in any order they please. This was also a huge benefit as some quests are rather difficult and can be pushed for later.

But the new system that the game brought shattered these ideas. Now, the challenges are time-bound. That is, they get removed after a week. This posed difficulty for players who are not constantly playing the game.

Read More: The Return of the My Hero Academia Feature in Fortnite Was Met With Criticism From the Metaverse Community

What adds salt to this wound is the fact that many of these challenges have multiple steps. This adds more pressure on the players to complete all these to get the needed XP for the battle pass.

There was an outcry from the players regarding this on social platforms like Twitter and Reddit.

The demand for change did not fall on deaf ears, but Fortnite only adjusted the weekly quest system. They did not bring back the old system, which was comfortable for the players. Or did not tweak the system much.


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What Fortnite did was, they increased the XP gain of the weekly challenges and reduced the number of stages needed for the multi-stage quests.


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It seems like the Metaverse community will have to adapt to this new change. Apart from this, Fortnite has brought its brand new update which has brought some interesting features like the Falcon Scout.

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