
Great news for fans of Halo Infinite, as the developers have provided an update about the upcoming closed beta tests. During the E3 showcase, Xbox announced Halo is turning free-to-play with its multiplayer. The PVP aspect of the franchise has always been one of the most attractive aspects that the community is eagerly waiting for. Naturally, this served as one of the most fascinating announcements, which immediately raised questions about beta test servers.

Here is the entire catalog of information that has been shared with the community regarding the next iteration of Halo.

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 Here is everything you need to know about closed beta testing of Halo Infinite

Finally, it is time for Halo fans to come out of the woodwork and bathe in sunlight with Halo’s return in 2021. The studio teased this title in 2020 and the game is now almost on the verge of its ultimate release. 343 Industries recently provided more news about the upcoming beta test and how long will it last. The studio distributed beta keys to a small pool of chosen players and only these individuals will get the chance to play the game.

According to the blog post, Tech Preview of the game will go live on July 29th and the beta servers will stay up for the next three days. Refer to the following schedule that the developers have provided.

  • Thursday, July 29: Tech preview is officially live! Go wild, Spartans.
  • Friday, July 30 Scheduled Play Times: 12-2 PM PT, 7-9 PM PT
  • Saturday, July 31 Scheduled Play Times: 12-2 PM PT, 7-9 PM PT
  • Sunday, August 1 Scheduled Play Times: 12-2 PM PT, 7-9 PM PT
  • Monday, August 2: Tech preview closes at 10 AM PT

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video source: GameClips

The studio is looking to gather data and community feedback

Developers are looking to conduct test runs with the upcoming closed beta servers. The studio has laid down its mission statement and everything it is trying to achieve with the test runs. These three days of beta playtime will allow the studio to test the services behind the game, and it will also help them gather data about PC configuration and the game’s performance.


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The gaming studio is also going to keep its doors open for players to stop by and share any feedback they have for the team. It will only aid them to grasp a better understanding of the game, which will result in a polished version.

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