
via Imago

via Imago

Gaming is still a taboo for most people out there. People often stereotype games as something only lazy people enjoy. Or that’s only meant for a certain age group. While such notions are still rampant, gaminghas become an entire industry, and a massive one at that. The gaming industry is booming and there are multiple incredible games and gaming rigs out there that can take your breath away. And yet, many gamers still feel a lump in their throats trying to socialize with others at workplaces based on their love for gaming.

One doctor has taken to Reddit to share his feelings about the matter, giving voice to millions of gamers who shy away from talking about their passion out of fear of being subjected to stereotypes.

Doctor gives voice to millions of gamers hiding in the shadows


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You’d think public perception of things would change in the twenty-first century. While the gaming industry is bigger than ever right now, the notion around gamers isn’t all rainbows and fairies. Many people still view gaming as something only kids and lazy people enjoy.

This doctor has shared his way of handling the stigma on Reddit talking about how he generally shies away from telling people about his passion. While the Reddit community tries its best to uplift his mood, it’s also true that the general perception needs to change first.

I have difficulty saying that gaming is my hobby at work
byu/Blastwing ingaming

The Redditor elaborates on how he has to come in direct contact with many people for his work. While doing so, the gamer rarely tends to talk about gaming and how he genuinely enjoys the activity as recreation. While his close family and friends are obviously aware of his passion for games, his workplace doesn’t seem to have a clue. To circumnavigate the issue, the doctor almost always has to come out with something or the other in order to make sure that he doesn’t lose face with his colleagues.

Read more: Researchers Are Exploring Video Games as a Novel Approach to ADHD Treatment

While this may sound familiar to many out there, we all agree this whole thing is stereotyping and demeaning to us gamers. Not being able to talk about our passions and love for gaming freely is something that bothers gamers to this day.

Redditor sees a light at the end of the tunnel


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While the post seeps with sadness, the doctor does believe things will change soon. With most of today’s kids growing up in a time where games are popular, their coming into the workforce may help to reduce the stigma associated with gaming.

Like many gamers out there, this doctor also seems to have had parents who disapproved of video games in general, and those views still impact his life to this day.


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Tell us how you feel about such stereotypes and how can we do away with such notions in the comments below.

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