
Ever since it was initially launched last year, Call of Duty Modern Warfare II has witnessed an extensive amount of collaborations. In fact, the devs have doubled down on introducing some interesting crossovers in recent months. Soon, the players will get to see Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft in the FPS franchise. However, that’s not everything they will get to have.

Going by a fresh rumor, it seems like Activision’s other popular IP Diablo will also get to have a crossover with Call of Duty. Given the recent and unexpected events in Modern Warfare II, one can assume this one may also turn into a reality.

A Diablo 4 x Call of Duty Modern Warfare II collaboration could take place during Halloween 2023


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In case anyone missed keeping track of events, Diablo 4 was released in June 2023. Following an anticipated debut, it has become a beloved title among the fans who adore the Dungeon Crawler gaming series. Now, it looks like the ongoing entry from Blizzard Entertainment might end up seeing its characters making their appearance in MWII.

According to datamined reports, Call of Duty Modern Warfare II is rumored to feature a Halloween-themed event featuring Diablo 4. To be precise, the event will be called ‘The Haunting’. It will reportedly include some of the iconic Diablo 4 villains.

Moreover, Modern Warfare II is rumored to have more crossovers during this year’s Halloween. A collaboration featuring Evil Dead franchise is also expected to happen next month.

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The current rumors make total sense as well, given the fact that the upcoming COD game, Modern Warfare III will have Zombies. Hence, the devs will try to set things up, in a spooky way, before the arrival of the undead.

Speaking of Activision’s new Call of Duty in 2023, it will be released on November 10. Before its launch, however, the game will also witness an Open Beta phase. Here’s the schedule for its Beta Weekends, followed by the eventual debut itself:

  • First Beta weekend (PS4/PS5): October 6, 10 AM PT to October 10, 10 AM PT
  • Second Beta weekend with Crossplay (PS4/PS5/Xbox Series X|S/Xbox One/PC): October 12, 10 AM PT to October 16, 10 AM PT
  • Early Access of single-player Campaign: November 2 onwards
  • Global release: November 10


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Modern Warfare III will be available on the following platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X\S, Xbox One, and PC.

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