Gamers have been known to cause a big fuss over issues that merit little attention. Case in point: what happened recently when a player noticed that fruits in Halo: Infinite weren’t exactly getting destroyed properly. The player made a post containing his findings and a controversy ensued. Regardless of everything that has transpired as a result, it is still unlikely that the devs will remove their attention from bots and AI improvements and focus on some inconsequential fruits. That said, there’s a reason why players can’t destroy the fruits properly.
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A large portion of gamers want Halo: Infinite to be perfect, and the devs are hard at work trying to make that happen. But unfortunately, not every little aspect of a game can be perfect. And some members of the gaming community agree with that statement. But they still want to know why the fruits won’t get destroyed properly.
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Halo: Infinite – unraveling the fruit mystery
The amount of attention the fruits in Halo: Infinite have got is ridiculous. But there’s an answer as to why the fruits don’t get obliterated right. And the answer, which we have thanks to TheGamer, is that in Halo, the fruits are considered a singular object. “A box of melons is one game object, rather than a bunch of individual melon objects,” Rich D May, lead programmer at Rebellion says. “When they take damage, they take damage and ‘die’ as one,” he explains.
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But, players might be wondering why the developers would let something like this slide. “Usually the fewer objects in the world the lower the overhead in terms of performance – fewer objects equals better frame rate,” provides further insight. Moreover, these things aren’t usually deal-breakers. So developers will often focus on other things that affect core gameplay and improve the overall performance of the game.
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Now that everyone knows why players can’t destroy the melons properly, it’s time to lay the mystery to rest.
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