
The Call of Duty franchise is known to pack lots of details in its iconic installments. Ever since the first title was introduced back in 2003, the devs have always tried to include carefully placed easter eggs that add an element of surprise for the players. More so, when they discover them upon revisiting an older game in the action saga.

Recently, an eagle-eyed gamer found out that there happens to be an extremely shocking hidden detail featured in the menu for a classic Call of Duty offering. To be precise, this detail dates back to the first entry in the Black Ops sub-series from Treyarch. A detail that some may find a bit creepy.

Call of Duty Black Ops features scary attention to detail for Zombies!


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Captain Eggcellent is quite a popular YouTuber who’s known for uncovering some of the most bizarre gaming secrets. In his videos, he ends up revealing those facts that most players generally ignore. In one of his newest clips, the YouTuber unveiled a little-known detail from the very first Black Ops installment. And when it comes to Treyarch’s sub-series, how can one not mention the Zombies?

The YouTuber revealed in the video that the first Black Ops’ main menu is more than what meets the eye. In general, one can find themselves strapped to a chair while having the option to look around and choose a preferred mode. However, the devs actually enabled the players to get rid of the chair and explore the main menu in a different way.

READ MORE: Can Legendary Black Ops Developer Save Call of Duty Multiplayer From Dying in the Franchise?


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So while exploring, one can actually observe a man looking down. He doesn’t leave until the Zombies mode is selected. Once it’s done, players can see that instead of the man, a zombie appears in his place!

This mind-boggling attention to detail is amazing to discover now, especially after a decade of Black Ops’ debut in 2011. More than that, due to the connection to Zombies, this uncovered mystery may give nightmarish dreams to some faint-hearted players. Now, they won’t be able to look at this game’s main menu from the same lens again.


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As for the ongoing installments, Activision‘s current offerings in Modern Warfare II and Warzone 2 are now available. Players can enjoy them on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC.

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