
The craze for revisits and remakes only seems to be growing with the second half of 2023. A lot of giant developers have cashed on the nostalgic factor this year. From bringing back old gameplay features in series like Assassin’s Creed to releasing new versions of classics like Red Dead Redemption, this year has been dominated by established brand investments. Following a similar pattern Konami announced the launch of Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Volume 1. 

The new master collection for Metal Gear Solid will be hitting sales in October 2023. It will comprise the original three mainline installments of the Metal Gear Solid series. The adventure action franchise is among the most successful labels in the early evolution of eSports. But a lot has changed and hence fans are excited to see what new adaptations have been made to the bundle. Well, a bizarre disclaimer of the collection has the fans intrigued. 

Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Volume 1 has a warning for the fans


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The upcoming reprised Metal Gear Solid edition has left the fans curious with a weird disclaimer. As the countdown to the launch of the bundle begins, the disclaimer has sparked a lot of fan speculations. 

The disclaimer is basically a prior notice for some content of Metal Gear Solid that might be considered outdated today. “This game contains expressions and themes which may be considered outdated. However, these elements have been included without alteration to preserve the historical context in which the game was made and the creator’s original vision. Player discretion is advised”, the disclaimer reads. 

For any millennial game to work for a GenZ community of eSports, specific adaptations have to be made. But for Metal Gear Solid, the developers have decided not to go with a load of changes. According to the disclaimer, the changes would have compromised the original authenticity and significance of the game. This has created a space of dilemma in the community. 


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Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Volume 1 is a challenge for developers

The fans of the original Metal Gear Solid franchise could narrow down the points developers wanted to address. Narratives that include an inappropriate portrayal of female characters and the use of cigarettes for adding to the fun might be considered offensive by some gamers. Over the years, with the evolution of society and perspectives, games have been shaped for the better. Thus, bringing a game from almost two and a half decades back is a challenge for the developers. 

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With the addition of the disclaimer, the makers would be trying to reach out to young gaming enthusiasts while admitting what’s ‘outdated’ for today. And for the fans of the franchise, it’s certainly going to be a fun nostalgic trip. 

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