
Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Zombies is all set to expand in the current season. Additionally, Treyarch is planning to expand the Zombies storyline in an intricate manner. After years of Black Ops Zombies, a lot of the story is larger than life. Even the principal characters in the Aether story line are larger than life, traversing across multiple dimensions. Call of Duty did a Star Wars with Zombies and most people enjoyed the drama over the years.

However, things are going to change with the current Zombies storyline. Treyarch has revealed that it is going to keep two feet on the ground this time while moving on with the storyline. It will write the Zombies story towards the central Cold War theme and not delve into multidimensional aspects of the past. Craig Houston, Lead Writer at Treyarch, spoke to IGN India in an exclusive interview.?

?One of the things I said was that those characters did what they did to try and create a singular world where Zombies didn’t exist and unfortunately because of the experiments in World War II, they were only half right. This is no longer a time-travelling multi-dimensional story, this is grounded in Cold War.?


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However, the events that occur in BOCW Zombies are directly in continuation with Black Ops 4. Furthermore, more characters from Black Ops lore might return to Zombies. We have already encountered Samantha Maxis, who returned from the Dark Aether. While she just gone for seemingly only two days, it was way longer for her.

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Edward Richtofen might return soon to Call of Duty Zombies

Treyarch has further revealed what is coming to the game in future DLCs. One of the principal factors of continuing the Black Ops lore is bringing back the characters. Apart from Samantha Maxis, the other popular character tied closely to the storyline is Edward Richtofen.

While Treyarch plans on bringing Eddie back, they will not delve into the past any longer. Houston explained,

I think the thing that’s really important is that the previous incarnations which we call the Aether story, which involve Richtofen and all those characters, that came to definite end at the end of Black Ops 4 season, and we were passionate about not rewriting his story.


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“The end of the BO4 storyline, we had two clear characters that needed to be referenced going forward and that was Maxis and Edward Richtofen, the young versions of them both. So we have shown people what Maxis is up to, any other characters that might reappear will be dealt with in later seasons.?

This is a clear indication that young Eddie will return to BOCW Zombies in some upcoming DLC update. There are also rumors about the next map, and many believe it is going to be Berlin. Taking the story closer to Germany will only increase chances of Richtofen’s arrival.


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Let us know in the comments what you think about Eddie’s return.

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