
Call of Duty Warzone received a host of notable changes last week with the release of Season 3. The Warzone Season 3 patch went live on April 21 and introduced a ton of new content, including a massive transformation of the original Verdansk map with a 1980s style makeover.

Conforming with the ongoing storyline, a Zombie infestation had overrun modern-day Verdansk leading to its absolute devastation. As a result, Verdansk’ 84 is the new Warzone map in Season 3, and it means players will now go back in time to drop into a historic version of the fictional city.


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Even though the Call of Duty community had anticipated an entirely new Warzone map, the 1984 version of Verdansk has been well received. The city now has some new POIs like the Old Mine, Grid Array, and Gora Summit, with many existing locations like Downtown, Airport, and Stadium, all receiving noticeable facelifts.

Naturally, with so many altercations in Verdansk ’84, players are eager to find out the most viable landing spots to stay a step ahead of the competition. In this article, we take a look at the five best drop locations on the new Warzone map players can consider in their victory strategy this season.

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Top 5 landing spots on the new Verdansk ’84 map in Call of Duty Warzone

Gora Summit

Starting with the northern part of Verdansk, the addition of Summit has replaced the area once known as the Dam. The new location spans multiple sectors, featuring a central island base and a working cable car system to help players traverse the area quicker. There are also two helipads on opposite sides of the center building providing for easy rotations after players are done gathering enough weapons and utility.

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Summit houses plenty of loot making it an ideal landing spot for the Warzone Trios and Quads modes. Despite being a new locale in Verdansk, Summit is perhaps an underrated drop spot because of its placement on the extreme northeastern edge of the map.

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Airplane Factory

Another new area added to Verdansk lies in its western zones. Knows as Factory, this POI lies directly next to Superstore with Airport situated on the other side.  The location includes multiple big warehouses, a parked airplane, a large hangar, and several small buildings that come with lots of loot and cash.

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Since Factory lies in the highly contested central regions of the map with popular hot drop locations nearby, players can expect constant action here. However, if things get too heated there are plenty of get-out options. Many vehicles spawn in the nearby areas allowing teams to easily disengage. Besides, this area is barely outside the safe zone anytime. For these reasons, Factory is a viable drop spot in Trios and Quads.

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Grid Array in Call of Duty Warzone Season 3

Grid Radar Array is perhaps the largest landmark added to Verdansk in Season 3. While the previous Array location seemed scarce, the new POI is easily noticeable because of the towering metallic grid structure. Those fond of snipers will be pleased to know that surmounting this massive grid will get them to high vantage points providing a sightline across Verdansk ’84.

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Array lies to the northeast of TV Station and players will find some new buildings in its surrounding areas in addition to the existing ones. This will guarantee players with ample loot and enough opportunities to obtain their loadouts.

Being a low-key landing spot Array is ideal for the Warzone Solos and Duos modes. While one might not end up with many eliminations right off the bat after dropping here, they will be able to make an early rotation to obtain an advantageous position during the later stages.

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Novi Grazna Hills in Call of Duty Warzone Season 3

The next drop location takes us to the south of Promenade West where Hills is located. The 1984 version of Verdansk added a new farm area on this side of the map. There is now a windmill, a cottage, and a barn giving players access to decent loot as well as new combat opportunities in the vicinity of Hills.

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If one requires better loot they can work their way over to the neighboring areas. Many opponents tend to drop in this somewhat condensed part of the map which can contribute to picking up some easy kills by utilizing a bit of stealth and third partying.

Plenty of vehicles are also accessible from this area, specifically near the gas station in Hills and also in Promenade West. As a result, making rotations out of the locale of Hills isn’t something to worry about. Once again, this landing spot deems fit for the road to victory in Solos and Duos.

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City of Verdansk Port

The final drop location in our list is in the eastern zone of Verdansk and it is the Port. Featuring a multitude of buildings, offices, huge cranes, this large POI houses enough weapons and cash for any squad.


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The Port is a perfect landing spot for all Warzone modes, including Solos, Duos, Trios, and Quads. Players can loot one side of the location and then head out. Else if they are a squad, they can take over and dominate the entire area before leaving with stacked inventories.


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Mobility isn’t an issue with this drop spot either. The Port of Verdansk houses a Helicopter spawn location, allowing for seamless rotations.

That concludes our take on the five best drop locations on the Verdansk ’84 map in Call of Duty Warzone. Which are your favorite landing spots in this season of Warzone? Let us know in the comments below!