
It seems like Call of Duty Warzone 2 is bound to face unending criticism from most of the fans no matter what. Despite the best efforts of the makers, in recent months, to make it more immersive and gripping, the battle royale has somehow failed to impress many in the community.

Now, the situation is such that the devs are reaching out on social media to convince the players that Warzone 2 has a bright future ahead. However, the hardcore lovers of its predecessor seem to have lost all hope now. At least that’s what appears to be the case, going by the online reactions of many disappointed gamers.

Call of Duty fans don’t have high hopes for Warzone 2 going forward


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Ted Timmins, who’s the Senior Creative Director for Warzone at Raven Software, recently took to Twitter to talk about the ongoing battle royale installment.

While addressing the issues that have been present in the game, he tried to convince the fans by writing that Season 3’s launch is a step in the right direction. Plus, they are trying their best to make Warzone 2 an amazing game. “My only request is to please keep things respectful and not personal. We love this game too and work hard to bring the best game to you.”

However, the bigger picture doesn’t seem to be very positive for Call of Duty Warzone 2. It becomes evident from the reactions of many loyal fans of the original Warzone.

READ MORE: Call of Duty Pro Believes This “Stupid Gun” Should Be Removed From Warzone 2!

While replying to Ted Timmins, a lot of players mentioned that they have lost all their hopes now. It’s due to the fact that their feedback hasn’t been given any value by the devs. And that they won’t likely bring any significant changes in the battle royale. “We keep getting our hopes up and ultimately get underwhelmed. Even you going on a certain podcast just to keep us in the loop could honestly do so much”, wrote one disappointed user.


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Activision’s Call of Duty Warzone 2 is now available worldwide. Players can download it for free on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X\S, Xbox One, and PC. What are your thoughts on the game’s current state? Do you think it can still make a comeback in case the devs actually end up adding the transitions that fans want? Let us know in the comments.

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