Hacking and cheating have been prevalent in the Call of Duty franchise for a while now. This phenomenon was first noticed towards the end of the Black Ops 2 cycle. However, it has continued and even gained steam with Warzone, Activision’s take on a Call of Duty battle royale.
Considering Call of Duty Warzone has become highly competitive, there is nothing more heartbreaking than when your game is cut short via unfair means. Hackers often use software such as aimbot, wallhacks, thermal vision, and more which allow them to effortlessly slaughter regular players.
To the credit of Activision and Raven Software, they have been progressively taking action against these players. It began with the developers banning the accounts of cheating players. However, when they realized that players would just create new accounts and download the free game, it was time for a more permanent solution.
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Soon after this, they began to issue hardware bans to hackers. This made it so that the players using these hacks could not access the game from the device on which they are using these hacks irrespective of the account they have logged into. As a result, hacking in Call of Duty reduced drastically.
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Call of Duty: Warzone community suggests an anti-cheat alternative
Despite this, cheating still ruins the gaming experience of many players every day. With the new Call of Duty Vanguard arriving in September, Activision has promised fans a new anti-cheat feature.
Currently, players can view previous lobbies that they have been a part of and report players that have been hacking. Due to the fact that this process is extremely tedious, Reddit users have come up with a more efficient system. Ideally, players would be allowed to report a hacker during the game itself.
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This may lead to issues such as false reports due to spite or rivalry. However, if the majority of the Call of Duty community is willing to accept this inconvenience it will be a far more effective system. Do you think Raven Software will end up implementing this new anti-cheat system? Let us know in the comments down below.
ALSO READ: Call of Duty: Warzone players Call for Adding More Flinch to ‘Broken’ Kar98k