
In a competitive FPS like Call of Duty, spawn locations matter quite a bit. Having the right spawn locations determines how well the map is designed. As many players experience the map differently depending on where they spawn,  it largely matters when players have an objective to take over.

In the open beta for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, players are getting to experience some nostalgic features, like the return of certain operators and guns. On the other hand, some are trying to get good at the game before its official launch. Either way, while playing the game, many players found a common complaint about the spawn locations in the multiplayer modes in the game.

Call of Duty spawns trouble

Players of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 have expressed concerns about the quality of spawns in the beta version of the game. They generally had positive reactions to elements like time to kill (TTK) and movement adjustments in the MW3 beta. However, spawns emerged as a major issue. A Reddit user, Shaka_Walls, labeled the spawns as “terrible” and shared their frustration with the community. Other players quickly agreed, citing their own experiences with the beta.

The spawns really are terrible. Domination on Estate feels like it might as well be TDM.
byu/Shaka_Walls inModernWarfareIII

In the post, the original poster mentioned that the game feels amazing overall and that they are a “Ton” of fun playing the game. They went on to say that despite the game being really good, the spawns are “awful”. They expressed their concerns about how the game spawns players almost randomly within the map, resulting in a decrease in meaningful engagements and leaving them to hunt aimlessly.

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Players voiced the expectation that spawns should be strategically located based on the objectives in Domination mode. They criticized the current system for causing chaos and detracting from the intended gameplay.

Upset fans speak up about the spawns

While most of the experienced players playing the beta have positive responses, no one seems to be happy with the spawns in the game. One user shared their thoughts about the current state of the domination mode in the game.

byu/Shaka_Walls from discussion

People started discussing the issue occurring on other maps too.

byu/Shaka_Walls from discussion

Another user spoke about how the domination mode deserves to have flag-based spawns. They also mentioned that they refunded Vanguard for the same reason.

byu/Shaka_Walls from discussion

One person tried to move the focus away from spawns and just put it on the map being that way.

byu/Shaka_Walls from discussion

After the 5th game of having enemies spawn where this play did, the player took to comments about it.

byu/Shaka_Walls from discussion

While other aspects of the game received positive feedback, spawn issues have raised concerns among players, especially in Domination mode. The MW3 beta is intended to identify and address issues before the full game release. Whether the developers will take player feedback into account and make changes to address spawn-related complaints remains uncertain. The beta serves as an opportunity for developers to address these concerns before the game’s official release. And we will have to wait until the release of the game to see if the devs work on this.

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