
An exquisitely detailed artwork by a Call of Duty fan has recently caught the community’s attention. While most art is usually static digital paintings some artists take things to the next level. With the digital era, a new form of art has emerged and this user has taken advantage of the technology and created something that blew the community’s minds.

Fan art is a fun way for players of a game to engage with the developer’s creations. Many fans have created art for the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 series and shared it over the years. While most of the art by the artists has been mindblowing, some just stand out as too good to be true. This recently surfaced artwork using the Infinity Zoom technique will give you a mesmerizing experience of 33 seconds!


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Call of Duty: Infinite Zoom

The Infinite Zoom is an effect where the viewers can constantly zoom into an image and find pictures within pictures. One artist noticed the art style and had an amazing idea for some art of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. As the game gets closer the artist posted a clip of their rendition of the infinitely zooming image. In the image, the artist has created art that resembles some stages, weapons, and operators from the upcoming game. In the Zoom, fans got to see how perfectly one scene transitioned into another while maintaining the Call of Duty theme. The artist also paid tribute to the zombies mode which players will get to see upon the release of the game on November 10.

The artist took inspiration from different pieces of the Modern Warfare 3 world to create something that will strike nostalgia for veteran players of the franchise. At the end of the clip, after the final zoom, players reach the end where they get to see a fan-made logo for the upcoming game.

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This clip highly impressed the community with many asking about how they did it. While not all were curious about the creative approach, some just wanted to be able to save the fan art for themselves.

Call of Duty fans’ reaction to the artwork

While many gamers were in awe of what they just noticed, some just had one word to say. This user simply posted “Tuff” to share that they liked the artwork.

Another user was curious as to how long it took the artist to make the art.

One shocked fan expressed their surprise by asking how is it possible to make such a piece.

Funnily one user was at the edge of their seat while expecting a jump scare to take them by surprise. Even though it didn’t happen, they were not disappointed with what they saw.

A user who enjoyed what they saw asked the original poster for a download link for the zooming image.


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This artwork won the hearts of thousands of fans as it got noticed by over 45,000 viewers. While fans wait for the game, such instances remind them about the community they are all involved in. While some just enjoy playing the games, others take inspiration from them to create such artistic creations.


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With that said, are you a fan of community creations like these? What is your favorite piece of video game fan art? Let us know in the comments below.

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