
It’s been just two weeks since Baldur’s Gate 3 was launched on Steam and the users are already obsessed with the game. Within three days of the release, Steam announced over four hundred thousand active players of the game. Not a Fortnite has passed since the news and Steam’s report again showed us that players already crossed ten million years in Baldur’s Gate III’s gameplay.

Larian Studios definitely made a bang with their amazing gameplay and system developments in Baldur’s Gate 3. Fans’ overwhelming responses are quite proof of that. Now, Steam announced this game as the numero uno in its Weekly Global Top Sellers game list.

Baldur’s Gate III tops the list of Steam’s weekly best sellers


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We had many successful games this year from Final Fantasy XVI to Hogwarts Legacy, but Baldur’s Gate 3’s success is superseding all of these. Steam was flooded with positive responses from players since the game was released. From details classifications of characters with abilities to exclusive role-playing experiences, Larian Studios outperformed in Baldur’s Gate III. Now, this game topped the list of Steam’s 33rd week’s top-selling games worldwide

This list features the statistics between the 8th to 15th of August having Baldur’s Gate 3 at the top of it. Fan favorite Counter-Strike: Global Offensive received the second position. Apart from Baldur’s Gate III, STARFIELD was also spotted in the seventh position. Bethesda’s this upcoming RPG seemed to make a huge noise among fans before its release on the 6th of September. 

The official SteamDB Twitter handle has also posted a list of top sellers excluding the free-to-play games. Here, the top 5 best-sellers are BG3, Steam Deck, STARFIELD, CoD, and Remnant II.


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Some more games from the list to look forward to

Steam’s this week’s top-seller games list featured PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS in the fourth position. This strategic first/third-person shooter and the loot-based game received much attention since its launch on Steam in 2017. Steam’s handheld gaming device Steam Deck was also spotted on the sixth position of the list. Gunfire Games’ survival adventure game, Remnant II featured in the ninth position. Although Blizzard Entertainment’s Overwatch 2 received many negative reviews on Steam, the game was still visible in the nineteenth position in the list.

Read more: From Barbarian To Monk- Know All The Classes In Baldur’s Gate 3


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Baldur’s Gate 3’s position on Steam definitely proved that fans are currently on cloud nine with its experiences. What do you think about this game? Do you believe Baldur’s Gate 3 can keep this ruling position for long? Share your views with us. 

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