DrDisrespect, the outspoken one, was playing Apex Legends with Zlaner recently. And once he was killed, he started spectating Zlaner and showed the viewers just how tight the aim-assist is in Apex Legends when Zlaner got a kill. The aim assist in the game is pretty tight. And some players have found that it is tighter when you’re using the Prowler and playing on the controller, the gun Zlaner got his kill with.
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“The Prowler didn’t move. Did you see that?” DrDisrespect asked, surprised at how beneficial the aim-assist could be. While a tighter aim-assist may be good news for players who struggle with accuracy have a hard time controlling recoil, others players seem to think that the overpowered aim assist in Apex Legends could possibly bring down the level of difficulty that the game is known for.
Apex Legends: the OP aim assist might not be a good thing
The OP aim assist has the potential to make some gameplay changes. It can make it easier to get kills as well as get killed. This is because it’s not just you who will have a tighter aim assist. All players playing using controllers and the Prowler will have the same advantage. Furthermore, for players who play the game on a competitive level, this is problematic.
Players are expected to rely on their skills and go only as far as their skills take them. A tighter aim assist might be detrimental for the game on that front. Some pros have already voiced their disapproval regarding the matter. Pros just don’t want anything that messes with recoil and accuracy, even if it is something that enhances them. Respawn has received a lot of complaints since the birth of the OP aim assist. And hopefully, they will fix the problem soon.
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Apex Legends doesn’t usually take too long to fix small problems like this, and players can expect a regular aim assist on the prowler when they are using the controller soon.
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