
Respawn Entertainment’s Apex Legends is steadily approaching Season 9. Recently, the title introduced numerous changes aimed at enhancing the quality of life in the game. It also contained vital adjustments to the roster of characters. It indeed seems like developers have responded to the community request with the last update. Although the title is still lacking a few things that fans have requested.

The last patch added important features like changes to an ultimate accelerant, and nerf to Wraith and Gibraltar. Now, a developer of the Battle Royale title has offered an update regarding another significant feature.

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The developer’s interaction with Apex Legends fan reveals juicy details

Lead designer, Chin Xiang Chong offered a response to a fan’s tweet regarding the ranked leaderboard feature. One fan gave the example of Call of Duty that actively makes use of it. It allows the players to keep track of their ranking, while also keeping tabs on new entries in the top-tier competition.

Thus far the title has never seen a feature of this sort, despite being highly requested. The developer offered an important update on the matter and also stated when the fans can expect the feature to roll out.

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Developers need time to introduce this feature

The developer update clearly indicates that this feature is indeed on the priority list, but not at the top. Safe to say, other important aspects of the game are taking precedence over it.

The Battle Royale genre is riddled with tough competition, and it is only getting crowded by new entries. This makes it quite important for Respawn to work out interesting updates that keep the title fresh.

Not to forget bugs and other performance issues with newer content that demands constant attention. These things and the pressure of adding noteworthy content with each seasonal update takes a considerable toll on the developmental process.


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Naturally, the studio is not prioritizing this feature at the moment, as the title needs constant patchwork. Although, it is quite possible that the leaderboard for the top-rated players might come at a later date within 2021, as the time progresses.

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