Recently, Nintendo announced a new variant for its best-selling console, the Switch. This new variant features improvements such as an OLED display, better speakers, increased storage, and even a wider stand. Despite the many improvements, Nintendo focuses on the Samsung OLED display which provides a better viewing experience for games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Smash Bros., Legend of Zelda, and more.
Since Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one of the best-selling titles on the Switch, Nintendo would have surely analyzed the impact of this new console for existing titles. While the resolutions of both consoles are the same, the OLED display offers a much greater contrast in colors which will help you to appreciate the changing of seasons in a game like New Horizons much more.
A lot of the screenshots featuring upcoming seasonal items on Animal Crossing’s Twitter account are of extremely high quality. Some of these images are in 4K quality and others exceed even that. While this is still not the 4K graphics most fans of the game have wished for, the visuals of the game are progressing.
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When will the next major Animal Crossing: New Horizons update arrive?
With no new major update for the past few months, New Horizons fans are getting extremely impatient. Prior to Nintendo’s presentation at E3 there was plenty of hope for the future of the game. The prospect of Tortimiers Summer Island and a Legend of Zelda or Pokemon crossover all kept fans at the edge of their seats.
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Nintendo now seems to be focusing on expanding Anima Crossing’s presence in the merchandise market. Companies like Build-a-bear and UNIQLO are just some of the names that have partnered with the game to release exclusive themed collections.
There is a tonne of potential in a game like New Horizons. More NPC’s, mini-games, and festivals will all serve to enhance the online multiplayer experience. When do you think the next Animal Crossing: New Horizons update will arrive? Let us know in the comments down below.
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