Nintendo has done an incredible job with Animal Crossing: New Horizons content in March. During the month we saw both the Mario and Sanrio collaboration alongside events such as the Bunny Day event and the first-anniversary update. Due to the amount of content added this month, players cannot seem to get enough of ACNH.
However, having such a content-filled month has led fans to expect big things for April as well. Recently, the NookLink app was released which allows you to send messages in-game, import custom designs from two 3DS games, manage multiplayer options, and more.
Additionally, you can redeem ten nook points each day you log into the app. This can be used to purchase decorative rewards such as posters and photo frames of your favorite characters. Upon redeeming your nook points for the day, you will receive some words of wisdom from a black Egyptian cat-like character.
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Try your luck with Katrina
This character is one we have seen in previous renditions of the game. Her name is Katrina, and she is a fortune-telling panther. The character would set up her fortune shop in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Here she would sell hats, fortune cookies, and even read your fortune. Essentially, she is the master of luck.
If she indicated that you had good luck, you would receive boosts to your wealth, friendship, romance, items, and health. If you had bad luck, it would have an adverse effect on all of the above.
A thoroughly enjoyed aspect of the ‘luck’ system was opening fortune cookies. Inside these cookies, you had a chance of winning themed items from games like Legend of Zelda, Mario, and Pikmin.
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April additions to Animal Crossing: New Horizons
As the month of April kicks off, fans can expect to see several things. Starting April 1 through 10, you’ll be able to order Forsythia trees to celebrate the South Korean holiday Singmogil, which occurs on April 5. On April 22, the game will celebrate Earth Day with the inclusion of a “cool globe” in stores. Lastly, we will also see migrating bugs and fish be replaced by new ones and April’s fishing tournament held on April 11, with players from the Northern Hemisphere catching spring fish and their Southern counterparts catching fall fish.
4/5 is a day for planting trees and caring for our forests called “Singmogil” in South Korea. “Forsythia” can be ordered between 4/1 – 4/10, so how about decorating your island with it? #AnimalCrossing #ACNH pic.twitter.com/Co4LPESbEc
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) March 17, 2021
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Would you like to see Katrina return to Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Let us know in the comments down below.
Also Read: Animal Crossing New Horizons: 5 Changes Forthcoming in April with the Spring Update