
Even while it happens regularly for online games to have their servers shut down at some point in their careers, Apex Legends Mobile is a very young game to undergo it. The game began rolling out to nations in May 2022. Less than a year after its debut, it has been informed that the game will no longer be playable. The most recent news, however, is worse because a crossover between the two Respawn worlds was scrapped.

There have been a lot of fan theories about overlapping narratives in the past about these two highly regarded games that share many similarities.

 After Apex Legends’ news, Titanfall’s cancellation is just one of many


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After the release of EA‘s third quarter 2023 financial report, word of Apex Legends Mobile’s sunset was made public.

A classified single-player game set in the Titanfall and Apex Legends world, code-named TFL or Titanfall Legends, was just canceled according to reports by Bloomberg. This was a game that was under work for some time now. But it was kept well under the radar as not much advertising related to it was done.

The “about 50” employees who worked on the game will be employed at and by EA, as they will try to find positions for them. But those who cannot be placed will be laid off with severance. Additionally, EA also closed Industrial Toys, a gaming company that worked on the Battlefield mobile game.

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Following the positively acclaimed single-player campaign in Titanfall 2, fans of the Titanfall series had been anticipating a new single-player game in the franchise. According to sources, it seems unlikely that will happen anytime soon.

Sadly, the cancellation also happens to coincide with the shutdown of Apex Legends’ mobile editions. On May 1, 2023, at 4 pm PT/7 p.m. ET, Apex Legends Mobile will stop forever and no longer be played.

The mobile version of the hugely successful battle royale game was released last year and was named Google Play’s and Apple’s “Game of the Year” for 2022. Respawn has announced a 90-day closure of the mobile game. EA is closing the whole mobile studio in its entirety.


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Not all the bad news in EA’s most recent financial report is related to Apex Legends Mobile. It was also reported that Star Wars Jedi: Survivor had been delayed by six weeks.