
Epic has proven time and again that they are the kings of micro-transactions. With every new collaboration and event in Fortnite, there is always hype for new skins and other cosmetics. In fact, 61% of Epic Games Store earnings in 2019 were from its micro-transactions.

Since its release back in July 2017, the term ‘noob’ has been flung around in Fortnite. The term essentially refers to someone who is not fully aware of the mechanics of the game and thus struggles to win games. Here are 5 skins that are usually donned by noobs in the game.

1. Default Skin


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This is the very first skin a player receives when they enter Fortnite. The Khaki-wearing skin appears in almost every game of Fortnite. Of all the default characters, Jonesy is the most popular. In fact, he is one of the main characters of Chapter 2 Season 5. Tfue was one of the pros who popularized the default skin after his Fortnite account got banned.

2. Lieutenant Evergreen

This Christmas tree skin was given to players for free during Fortnite’s Winterfest event. The community considers this a ‘Noob-skin’ because when Epic launched the Christmas themed update, players used this skin to camouflage themselves with the Christmas trees before popping out to catch looting opponents by surprise. That Epic gave away this skin for free only meant every player had a chance to use this overpowered tactic.

3. Peely

Peely is the friendly banana skin released with the Season 8 battle pass. The fact that he was included in the battle pass only meant more players would have this skin. The ‘silly’ appearance of the skin has made it perfect for trolling and thus beloved by the community. Peely also had a more dapper Agent Peely variant that same season.

4. Breakpoint

The community considered this skin a noob skin since Fortnite’s collaboration with Star Wars. The crossover that brought us the beloved Mandalorian skin also brought a new overpowered tactic. Players would equip the Breakpoint skin and disguise it as the hologram appearing in the Canteena before attacking unsuspecting opponents.


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5. Bush Ranger

Aptly named, this skin essentially gave you the ability to become a bush. When crouching, it was very difficult for opponents to tell whether they were looking at a player or a bush. This skin was also responsible for people shooting at bushes to avoid getting caught off guard.


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Although not all the players that use these skins are noobs, there’s a good chance you can get free kills if you spot one of these skins. However, there is the prospect of running into a ‘default skin’ that ends up being Tfue.

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