
The Apple and Epic Games saga continues to move a step further every day. Epic asked the court to put an end to Apple’s retaliation against the company. They want to do so by bringing back Fortnite Battle Royale among other apps. They feel like this should be done to put an end to Apple’s control and injustice towards developers and consumers.


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Epic continues to fight Apple

In the filing, Epic asked the court for a move that would bring back the app and restore the company’s developer account. The preliminary injunction is to bring forth justice to the company after Apple removed what was arguably their biggest game. In their statement, Epic said“Apple is a monopolist and standing up to them is a necessary step to free consumers and developers from the unlawful restrictions Apple has imposed over app distribution and in-app payment processing on iOS. For too long, developers have not spoken out because they fear Apple’s retaliation. The company’s recent actions show that if you challenge Apple’s monopoly, Apple will attempt to destroy your business. We are committed to speaking up and securing lower cost, competitive access for all.”

Epic is of the opinion that Apple’s decision will wreak havoc on the Fortnite community, as the majority of their players are IOS users. Reinstating Fortnite back on the App Store seems a bit of a stretch at the moment. However, things could take a sharp turn.

The background

For the unaware, a few weeks back, Apple removed Fortnite from their App Store. This was in the aftermath of Epic introducing a new payment method for players. However, the new payment method meant Apple would miss out on the 30 percent proceedings they used to receive.


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Apple’s decision meant that new players could not access the game, and those who already have it installed would not receive any further updates.


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The court had already denied Apple from denying access to Unreal Engine. Epic’s game engine is home to many developers coming forth with different titles. If Apple were to stop Unreal Engine from its platform, it would force developers to go about different routes in developing a single game.

A hearing is to be held on September 28 as part of these preliminary injunctions.