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Activision, even after constant reminders, fails to come up with a decent anti-cheat for its Call of Duty games. The short end of this stick went to Warzone players, who have been struggling to find a way around the hackers that run rampant in Verdansk. However, Call of Duty veteran Dr Disrespect may just be the guardian angel they were looking for.

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Two Time‘ has seen his fair share of hackers and, in many instances, even bested them. Even hackers rarely stand a chance against Doc himself. But what about normal players who do not possess Doc’s skill set?


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A fan recently asked Dr Disrespect how to deal with hackers. He gave a hilarious response to the question, not with words, but with actions.

Doc uploaded a video highlight of clips from his games with ZLaner. While he was shredding through opponents in Warzone, he took some time to whip out some sick moves.

He titled the video ‘DrDisrespect SOLVES the Warzone Hacking Crisis through the Power of Dance,’ and boy were those moves powerful!


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Dr Disrespect handles a serious Call of Duty problem with satire

Cheating or hacking is a serious problem in Call of Duty games. And that’s not the case just with Warzone, but it transcends into other games as well. And now with CoD competitive moving to PC, hacking has become a real pain.

Players have already started requesting Activision to go back to using consoles instead of PC + controller for the Call of Duty League. Although Dr Disrespect has an amazing response to the issue, it seriously highlights some major dilemmas with the games.

Clearly, Doc is pointing towards the fact that there is nothing one can do about this issue. Therefore, the only option they have is to dance it out and release all that stress.


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Doc’s outrage at developers’ mistakes is no secret. In fact, there is evidence of it in almost every single one of his streams. Therefore, if a Call of Duty veteran such as Dr Disrespect has given up hope, that’s just how it is.

ALSO READ- ?The Game?s Still a Piece of S**t?- Dr DisRespect As He Faces Stream Snipers