The developers of Destiny 2 revealed some massive changes to the game recently. They showcased a lot of new content set to arrive in the game including the Solstice of Heroes event which will begin on July 6. Along with that, they have also tuned a lot of weapons including Shotguns and Hand Cannons.
But the biggest tweak in the patch revolves around the popular Exotic in Anarchy. The weapon is a fan-favorite in the Destiny 2 community, and it has been a meta Grenade Launcher for a long time. However, it seems like its run at the top of the weapon charts has finally ended as the developers are massively nerfing it.
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READ MORE- Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes 2021: Start Date, Guide, Loot, and More
How Anarchy became a fan-favorite in Destiny 2
The Anarchy arrived in Destiny 2 as a Scourge of the Past Raid weapon during Season of the Forge. Players can use this weapon in two ways. They can either use it as a trap weapon to shoot mines on the ground which will electrocute nearby enemies. Along with that, they can also use them to stick projectile, and then enemies will take continuous damage. By sticking two projectiles, players can chain them to each other for maximum damage.
The weapon become so popular that it had a massive effect on how players designed their builds. It provided a ton of sustained damage, so players can switch to other weapons to deal damage while the Anarchy continued to hurt the enemies. Additionally, the two chained projectile hit from the Anarchy dealt more blows than any other average Grenade Launcher as well.

How is Bungie nerfing them?
The developers revealed some ambiguous details about nerfs for the Anarchy in the recently released This Week At Bungie blog. They stated that the weapon has been too overpowered for a long time. So, they are tweaking them to make it great at a couple of roles rather than being a ‘Jack of all Grenade Launchers’. The weapon did tons of DPS to bosses on endgame content like Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes. So the tweak should involve nerfs for it.
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Along with that, if Bungie might also nerf its massive sustained damage which will force players to use weapons like the Witherhoard. Weapons with great sustained damage helps a lot in endgame content as players can use them to attack champions quickly. Champions have a tendency to kill Guardians easily if they peek for a few seconds too long. So because of it, players choose to use weapons like Witherhoard and Anarchy as its shots dealt damage over a long period. However, with a nerf on Anarchy, the usage should decrease a bit in Destiny 2.
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Anarchy was a game changing weapon on Destiny 2. With a nerf on this Grenade Launcher, the meta will shift drastically. It remains to be seen how damaging the nerf might be. But it seems like the PvE content won’t be same following this tweak.
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